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Walking around became harder to do. My knees felt as if they were about to give out with every step.

My head pounded it felt as if my brain had a pulse.

I fell into Peeta's side as we walked the halls. Peeta looked around like someone was about to murder us. Which isn't to far off. We aren't supposed to leave my room but something just doesn't feel right.

It's like over night I got worse. My body felt fine yesterday but today I can't go more than three steps without feeling winded and dizzy.

"Cypress, let's keep going." Peeta said, as he held me up. I tried to speak but I just couldn't.

"We need to find you something, and I don't trust the water they are giving you." I nodded as I licked my cracked lips.

We passed a door that had static coming from it. I made Peeta stop and listen.

"We are clear."  We heard through the smallest crack in the door. "You are ready to go, estimated time. Tomorrow night, right on time for the broadcast." A persons voice came loud and clearer through the door.

"Copy that. Bombing district thirteen. Is a go." I looked at Peeta who kept an eye on the doorknob.

Why would they bomb thirteen? Wasn't it already destroyed?

Before I could think about it anymore the door started to creek open. Peeta hurried to go around the corner into another room. He shut the door silently as I looked around.

Notebooks and blueprints covered a large table. I slowly flipped through.

Killing D13 for good.

Was written at the top of one notebook. "Cypress I think we can go... What are you looking at?"

Peeta Mellark
Day one: screamed for help until knocked out with sleeping pills.

Day two: woke up watching a video of Katniss death.

Day three: at night took him away from Cypress for his tests.

I grabbed another notebook.

Cypress Bennett.

Day one: showed no emotion.

Day two: watched death video of Roland and Finnick.

There's that name again? Who is he!

Day three: at night took her from Peeta for her tests.

"Thats why I feel awful." "They are taking us at night." Footsteps walked past in a hurry. Peeta pushed all the notebooks back to where they were before.

"Come on Cypress we got to go." He wrapped his arm around my waist and we sped walked out back into my room.

"Sit here." He sat me on the couch. He ran to the bathroom, the water ran for only a second before he came back out.

"Here." He handed me a small cup of water. "It doesn't smell bad, I just don't trust that." He pointed at the cup they gave me earlier, it had a weird gray tint to it. My hands shook making the water almost fall from my hands.

"I got it." He sat and took the cup from me, he held the cup to my lips as I took a small sip.

I smiled at the cool water going down my throat. "Thank you, Peeta." He nodded, he drank the rest of the water. "If you go down, I go with you. Although this water tastes fine." "That's what they want us to think."

I fell into his side, his arm went around my shoulders and started to rub my arm. "You can sleep Cypress." "No, it's almost the time they make there rounds. And if those notebooks are telling the truth. They'll take us tonight, I have to stay awake."

Peeta huffed. "Do you not trust me?" I lifted my head up. "What?" "I can take watch." "Peeta, I trust you. I just don't trust the capital. And I'm scared."

"Of what?" This time I huffed. "What if I fall asleep and don't wake up. Everything I think of including when I think of me is foggy. I don't remember anything! What happens if while I sleep I forget how to breathe! And don't say it can't happen cause we don't know for sure."

We stayed silent, until Peeta said something that I was taken a back by.

"If Katniss is alive in thirteen. I want to kill her." "What?" My jaw dropped. "I watched her die, but with this talk of thirteen and a rebel. Who knows who's alive." "But you love her?"

He shook his head. "No. I used to, but she loves someone else. We were just for show, the engagement was fake, the pregnancy was fake. Our love was fake."

"Who is she really in love with?" "His name is Gale, he's loved her for a long time. He hates me." "Why?" "Cause he can't be with Katniss." "Peeta if he loved Katniss, why didn't he volunteer for you, he could've been with her in the games. He could have said the exact same thing you did."

That made Peeta stop and think.

"I guess, but there is a small part of me that did love Katniss. And even now, though I have these thoughts of killing her, I just want to hurt her. Like payback."

"Maybe that's what they want us to believe Peeta. There making me forget, and there making you want to kill. But remember, they don't own us."

I said repeating what he said the first night we got here.

We stayed up and talked until it was physically impossible for us.

I don't know what happened that night after my eyes shut for the last time.

But I felt fine the next day. I could walk and talk, just no memories.

But maybe that's for the best.


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