#9- It's Not A Crime

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Kuroo's P.O.V

Sneaking back into my own bedroom after taking pictures of Y/n sleeping, I couldn't help but think of how far I'd come.

It all used to be such a simple crush, just a normal girl who happened to catch my eye. Nothing strange about it, until I realized all the numerous things I'd do without her knowledge.

Following her during school to find out her schedule and when she has what class at what time.

Leaving little notes and shoving them into her locker. Excusing myself during volleyball practice after-school claiming to feel sick just to rush back inside to see if you'd taken the notes I'd written for you.

I'm sure to anyone viewing from the outside, it'd just be a small crush... nothing out of place. I'm sure that's also how you must have also felt in the beginning.

Everything was fine, everything is fine I'd repeat that phrase to myself everyday. Yet, it all went down hill when I caught you going through your locker one time after-school.

I was just going over to check if you'd taken the little note I'd written for you that day along with a nice rose I'd left for you.

"Red means I love you"

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself today"

"You've got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen"

"Do you ever think of me?"

I hide behind the wall awaiting your reaction; you'd smile at first, but your expression would change to one of wonder and worry.

What were you thinking about? It's not like I'm hurting you... and this way you can't hurt me either, what if you turn down my feeling? Or even worst, see me as some sort of creep?

It was all so... simple. Leave a note, sometimes along with a little gift. Yet, I'd began to stop attending practice everyday like usual. Instead, I began to follow you.

At first it would just be following you until you would reach your bus stop. Then I'd leave and join the rest of practice, your bus stop wasn't that far away. In fact, it was only 10 minutes away from the school, and you were a fast walker so it would take you less than that.

Why were you walking so fast?
Are you paranoid, worried?
Do you feel like you're being followed?
Can you feel me watching you from afar?

Then it just wouldn't be enough to follow you to your bus stop. Instead I'd began to aboard the bus you'd take too. Standing away from your line of sight. Or sitting a few rows behind you.

It was simple, taking the bus along with you. Sit away from you, and take a few pictures. I never got of at your stop. Until I couldn't help myself with the urge of following you to your home.

You lived quite a way away from the stop you'd get off at. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel scared in the beginning.

What if you notice me?
What if someone else finds my behavior strange?
What if they realize I'm stalking you?
Would they call the cops, ask you to confirm if you know me?
What if someone happens to catch me taking pictures of  you?

Days turned into weeks, and those weeks turned into months. It all went by in a blur until stalking you was a new normal for me.

However, our 2nd year was closely coming to an end. And I couldn't help but wonder where you lived. It'd be such a waste to skip the chance of finding were exactly you lived.

And that's when I would follow you all the way to your house. Waiting for you to unlock your door. There were never any cars parked in your driveway on the weekdays. I'd never see any sort of movements inside suggesting anyone was indoors either.

So I would follow you after-school, trying to not make it so obvious. I couldn't miss to many practices after all, I'm the team captain. Yet, they don't know me well, they never asked any questions. I guess it was for the better anyways.

Sometimes I could get close enough to you I'd take pictures of the streets you took to get home. Picture of your home, and you walking in.

Sometimes it'd be different, walking up to your house and just waiting. Walk around the corners, looking through the window to see what I could. When I found what I thought was your room, I would take pictures of it, all at different angles.

Your bathroom light would be on, but I'd soon hear the sound of water running, claiming you're most likely taking a shower instead. If no ones around, there shouldn't be any worry, you lived far off anyways. Not may houses nor people nearby.

Your dogs however would be a bit of a problem sometimes, barking every time I came too close to contact with them. You'd just peak through the window covers.

You never did anything else when you heard your dogs bark. Were you scared? Surely you'd be afraid, wouldn't you? A girl all alone at home, with no one to protect you. Your house didn't even have any cameras.

What if I decided to break in?

It was one of these days that I heard your neighbor talking. He was on the phone, "Yeah, I plan on moving out over the summer. I already made the deal too. So it won't be such a big deal, I just need to find someone to sell this home to."

I just need to do something to force my parents and I to move out of our home. Then I could say something along the lines of "I actually heard of someone selling their place, it looks nice too."

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ublished on 6/17/2022

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