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I turned the door knob and stormed out of my room before slamming the door shut with a loud thud. I descended downstairs with my fist balled on my sides, my eyes blazing with fire and rage radiating off of me. As soon as I reached downstairs, I sprinted towards the lounge, where I usually find him. I scanned every corner of the lounge but sadly he wasn't here.

I walked towards the million dollar kitchen and saw Daria washing the dishes and lost in her own world. I didn't want to vent my anger and frustration on her, so I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Daria!!" She spun around abruptly.

"Oh!! Miss Nolan, your breakfast-" I cut her off.

"Where is king?" My tone was kind of cheeky when I said king.

"He's out for some business." She said.

Probably out for some of his mafia business, because today is Sunday..

That asshole..

"Okay." I nodded.

"And your breakfast is inside the microwave." She pointed a finger towards the microwave.

"I'll take it." She smiled.

I took my breakfast from the microwave, which was Mac and cheese by the way. I marched towards the dining area and sat on a particular chair from which I could see the freaking main door.

I stabbed the fork into my breakfast with my blazing eyes set on the entrance. Hastily, I started eating my breakfast.

When he'll return, I'm probably gonna lunge on him and punch his beautiful nose, double smack his butt and kick, where sun doesn't shine.

A wicked smile formed on my lips as I imagined doing these things to him.

Probably he's gonna cry out in pain..

And I'm gonna laugh on his face..

Daria approached me and took my empty plate from the table.

"When he's gonna king?" I asked keeping my face stoic.

"Maybe he'll return in the evening." She smiled as I nodded.

She walked away and I sat there with my eyes staring at the large doors.

15 minutes later:

I was still sitting on the chair, staring at the door, frantically tapping my foot on the floor. I rested my elbow on the table and my face on my palm.

It was boring, totally boring. Waiting for someone,whose not gonna show up any time soon.

'he'll return in the evening'

Daria's words ringed in my ears.

I checked the time in wall clock and it was quater to twelve in noon.

Why am I waiting for him when he's probably gonna return in the evening.

I stood up from the chair and slowly ascended upstairs.

I'll come downstairs during 2pm and then I'll start waiting for him..

My anger hasn't subsided by the way...

I opened the door to my room and sauntered in before collapsing on my comfy bed. The bed was so warm and comfortable that I thought of taking a nap. Soon my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep.


I stirred and slowly opened my eyes to see my beautiful bedroom. My half closed eyes landed on the wall clock which caused my half closed eyes to shot open as I gasped.

Oh me!! It's already 4pm..

What if he has already arrived.?.

I took a deep breath.

Think of what he did to you..

He informed my office that my loving father was dead, who was indeed active and functional.

How dare he?

My jaws set as I balled my fist on my sides. I narrowed my eyes into a glare before storming out of my room. I descended downstairs and saw Daria, wiping the table in the dining area.

As her gaze fell on me,
"The lunch is rea-" I cut her off.

"Has king arrived"

"No" came her reply as I sighed in relief.

Good, I want to confront him infront of everyone on the entrance..

"Shall I get your lunch" she asked as I nodded.

I sat on the same particular chair as Daria served me lunch. I was mentally preparing a conversation with him.

He's gonna enter the house and I'll probably be like.
'You asshole!! How dare you?'

His blue eyes would widen and his jaw would hung so low.
'what happened Miss Nolan?'

'What happened? Are you seriously asking me what happened'
'you bastard!! Informed my office that my alive father was dead, how dare you chipmunk?' I'll burst as he will flinch and quickly apologize.

'I'm sorry Miss Nolan, I didn't think it would be such a big thing'

'Huh?' I'll glare at him as he is gonna pee on his pants.

My mental conversation was cut off as I heard a screeching sound of tyres pulling in. I hastily stood up and walked towards the entrance door, waiting for that stupid bastard to enter.

The door suddenly bursted open, revealing a very pissed off Harold Kingston talking to someone on his phone.

"Shoot that bloody wanker!!" His voice roared through out the house as I flinched at his tone and hastily sprinted towards the staircase.

What has gotten into him, today?

"Shoot him!! People like him don't deserve to live." He bursted, thrumming in rage as he strode past me completely ignoring my presence.

Thank God he ignored me, that just scared me to death.

He entered the lounge as I leaned out to have a look of him.
"I don't want any excuses, just shoot him!!" He shouted in fury as I literally got a mini heart attack.

Shortly the yelling and cursing stopped as I slowly tiptoed towards the hallway and stood outside the lounge in  the corner to avoid my presence in front of him before peeking in.

He removed his coat, loosened his tie and collapsed on the couch looking exhausted. He closed his eyes with one hand over his forehead and a frown etched on his face.

What would happen if I go in and confront him.
I looked heavenward thinking of the consequences.

'how dare you? How could you tell-' he'll probably cut me off.

"This annoying woman!!" With that he's gonna pull  a gun out of nowhere and then THUD....THUD..THUD..

My lifeless body will be on the floor with my blood all around me.

I gulped by just thinking about it.

Suddenly he got from the couch as I hastily ran towards the staircase.

He came out of the lounge and walked through the hallway and towards me. Sweat trickled down my forehead as I gulped hard. But he didn't approach me, he just gave me an unconcerned glance and turned to the door infront of him before opening it and marching inside.

So this is his room, which had a huge wooden window doors beside the staircase..

I sighed in relief.

It's better to talk to him during dinner when his nerves are calm and are in senses..


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