One Shot INFO

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Hello you fine specimen of a human being!

Are YOU interested in being a part of the most spectacular one shot contest of the year? (*possible exaggeration*)

Did YOU enjoy 'Wheelchair Accessible' so much that you  never wanted it to end? (*possible exaggeration*)

Are YOU someone who loves to read and write? (*dumb question... this is Wattpad*)

Then THIS is your lucky day!

Ladies and gentleman, of all ages, step right up and enter this fantabulous one shot competition!

As the giver of life to Shawna Reed and Mark Harris (AKA: the author), I would LOVE to hear what sort of shenanigans and situations you (the reader) have for them.

(seriously, it would knock my socks off.)

*-*-* RULES & GUIDELINES *-*-*

1. Please make sure you dedicate the chapter to me (__JAG__) and tag it #shipShark so that I can read all your wonderful creations. (I will add them into a reading list, so you know I've seen them)

2. Write a chapter, it can be however long you like (but at least 1 page), about pretty much anything that you think would would be fun for Mark and Shawna to do together. (Please do not forget that Shawna is in a wheelchair, therefore, they cannot run a marathon together. HOWEVER, being in a wheelchair does not stop her from doing TONS of other really cool things. Just make sure you adjust to her capabilities!)

It can be funny, action-filled, sad, cutesy/romantic, deep... whatever you want! If you can think of it, I want to read it! (NO SMUT YOU LITTLE RASCALS)

3. You can add new characters, that's totally cool. But please do not change current characters. Try to stick to their personality as much as possible.

Example 1: you can bring in another friend from Shawna's school, but you can't replace Allison as her best friend. (that would make her really sad, she's already been replaced once!)

Example 2: you can write about Will, but you can't make him a softy all of a sudden, he's not. He's still kind of a jerk.

4. NO BREAKING UP MARK AND SHAWNA (unless you're a heartless monster, i don't know why you'd want to. i mean, they can fight, or whatever, but no splitty uppy)

5. You can set your one-shot whenever. It can be right after the story ended, ten years down the road, BEFORE they even met each other, whenever. (Both Mark and Shawna don't have to be in it. It can be just Mark or just Shawna, if you'd like.)

6. YOU CAN WRITE FROM ANYONE'S POV! Mark, Shawna, Allison, Shawna's dad, whoever.


I just really want to hear what you guys have in those creative brains of yours!

Ya'll really mean a lot to me, so a thanks to everyone who participate!!


Wheelchair Accessibleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें