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"Fuuckkkkk" Fatima slurred as she laid flat on her back. She stared at the ceiling above her with a weak smile on her face. Her eyes were a light shade of pink and droopy.

The feeling she was experiencing was euphoric. She felt no pain, neither mentally nor emotionally. She could feel herself losing feeling in her limps and on her plump lips, and she relaxed letting her high take over.

Loyalty by Kendrick Lamar and Rihanna blasted through the speakers she had set up in her house. The bass boomed damn near shaking the room from how loud it was, she loved it.

Nobody could hear her occasional grunts and slurred expressions of pleasure. It was scary, but comforting at the same time.

Being that she was alone, she was allowed to let whatever she was feeling at the moment out. What better way to do it than popping a few Xanax and smoking only the finest strains? Right!?

The potent drug sent her into a deep sleep after a while. Fatima woke up from a nap three hours later and was slightly less high. Music was still blasting and she was craving to be higher.

Before she upped her dosage, she checked her phone.

So ur just gonna give up on mom?
Your payment was due last week bro
it isn't like you to just forget your
responsibilities. Are you okay my

Kdkekekemwksoepsmdmdnskxoepeldkk Rhee's lwdnkelwlr4ls

i need ur help with something come to this location *location*

answer my call ion feel like texting.

you good folks?
read at 7:00pm

Fatima smiled at Nassim's text knowing he couldn't read, write, or even speak yet. She bought him an iPad for him to be able to Facetime her whenever a little while back. Since then, he'd send gibberish-filled texts and Facetime her out of the blue.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at her sister's message though. Though her intentions weren't to be harsh, it came off that way. Instead, she should've started the conversation off with 'Are you okay?'. Not only would it get a better reaction from Fatima, but it would've been the morally correct thing to do.

Now she's on Fatima's blocklist for the next 24 hours.

She jumped up realizing Von texted for her help. Letting out a sad sigh, she pushed herself out of bed, gripping the sheets tightly.

Sadly, she couldn't enjoy her sloppy high because duty was calling. She didn't even want to be in the presence of Von. He was nosy and arrogant and would for sure blow her high. But, that was her job and the bills wouldn't pay themselves.

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