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K I N S L E Y ' S     P O V

   Rodrigo and I spent the whole car ride to school planning what we were going to do to Roman. At first, we were simply going to say embarrassing things to him at school. But then, Rodrigo had the most brilliant idea ever.

   As we parked, I quickly took out my phone, giving Matteo a call about our plan. At first, he was reluctant to say yes, but after I told him what Roman said, he was all for it.

   "Perfect, i'll be there in 15." Matteo said, hanging up the phone. "What'd he say?" Rodrigo asked, opening his door. "He's on his way." I couldn't hold back a smile. "Awesome, this is gonna be great!"

   We met up with Daniel and walked inside. Roman was already surrounded by his boy friends or whatever. "Let's go get your schedule and stuff." Daniel said, messing up my hair. "Ugh, Dannnnyyyy stop." I whined, fixing my hair.

   Our walk to the office was eventful. Everyone had stopped their conversation and pushed themselves against the lockers. "Why are they doing that?" I asked Rodrigo. His face held no emotion. It was honestly scary how fast all of my brother's could switch up.

   "They all know not to fuck with us. That's all." He said, glaring at one of the groups we were passing. I simply nodded and fixed my gaze to the ground, feeling uncomfortable at the stares.

   As we entered the office, I took a deep breath. "Oh hello I'm Mr-" she stood up, the color drained from her face. I looked at my brothers and saw the smirk they had on their faces. "I just need my schedule." I said calmly.

   She nodded, "Name?" "Kinsley Ru-" "Here you are. All the information you need is on that paper." She said, shoving the paper in my face. "Thanks." I said, shooting her a smile.

   As we walked out of the office, I saw Matteo's car sitting out front. He entered as we were walking by. "Where is he?" Is all he said, taking off his glasses. "Cafeteria. He's with all his friend at the moment." Daniel said, pointing towards the cafeteria.

   Matteo started walking, the paper bag in hand. We followed closely behind him, waiting to see the scene unfold.

   As we reached the cafeteria, it went silent. The only thing that was heard was our footsteps walking up to Romans group. "Oh now there you are sweetheart. You forgot your lunch on the counter this morning. I must have forgotten to zip it in nicely huh." Matteo said, placing the bag in front of Roman. His eyes widened and his face turned red.

   "Don't forget to read the note I wrote for you hun. Oh and don't forget to put that cream on your rash! I put that in there too. Ok now i've got to get to work. Bye bye sweetie." Matteo said, pinching Roman's cheeks. He swatted his hands away. The boy's at his table seemed to enjoy the show as they were laughing and pointing at their friend.

   "Oh." Matteo said, turning back around, his voice dropped back to his normal scary one. "If you ever say shit like that to my little sister I will personally chop your nuts off. Understand." Roman shook his head. "Word's boy. Use your words." Matteo said.

   "Very clear sir." He whispered. "Perfect." Matteo said before walking back over to us. He pulled me in for a quick hug before walking out the doors. I turned towards Roman to see his death glare towards me. I simply shrugged and turned around, Rodrigo and Daniel following me.

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