A Glitch

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Genesis woke up tangled amidst the silk covers.

She rubbed her eyes lethargically, smudging her makeup by accident until she stopped and realized where she was.

"Oh my gosh," She muttered, grunting half awake and frantically looking at her surroundings. The room she was in was more lit than before, but it was still hard to decipher what was what. It was only when she narrowed her eyes and carefully looked around did she finally make out a shape staring at her from the shadows.

It was Sex Machine, sitting on an old fashioned armchair. One leg was crossed over the other, and his curved, sharp nail repeatedly tapped on a small, glass table directly next to him.

When he noticed she was finally awake, he stood up and approached her, coming into the light.

"I hope you are satisfied?" he questioned, analyzing Genesis from head to toe. She chewed on the inside of her mouth, still trying to process the fact that she had stayed the night with him. It was different from what she expected, but still equally satisfying.

"Yes. I-I think so. Well no- I mean I didn't come for you yesterday."

"You didn't?"

Genesis realized she had sounded a little harsh, but for gods sake it was a machine and she had more important things to think about!

"My friend, Cerci. She was here last time and now- well now she's gone. I wanted to ask your manager for records of her buying a stage dance for me. It's the only way I can show the authorities she really did exist and something is going on."

Sex Machine didn't respond immediately, and Genesis wondered if he was even programmed to think of anything other than sex.

"You have a complaint?"

"Something like that, yeah. Not with you, of course! I think you're amazing, and super talented, and just downright cool-."
She was getting sidetracked.

"But yeah. I have a complaint. You remember her don't you? She was the one I was with on my birthday." Genesis hoped the robots memory wasn't wiped, and it took him a few minutes of silence as a slight ticking sound echoed in his head.

"I have memories of a woman with you. However, I cannot make out her details." Sex Machine seemed confused, resting his fingers against his head as he attempted to rewind everything that happened on the night of Genesis's birthday.

He heard her companions voice, and saw Genesis herself, but unlike the others around him, Cerci's face was completely glitched out. It wasn't until he tried to decipher what the issue was did his whole memory suddenly become corrupted.

Genesis watched in anticipation as Sex Machine slowly directed his attention to her, then headed towards the door.

"It is morning. Unfortunately, we are closed at the moment. Later tonight, you are more than welcome to speak to Manager Xavier."

Genesis didn't know how to take the response. It wasn't what she was looking for, if anything it sounded almost dismissive. Even Xavier seemed to be avoiding the issue as well. Were they hiding something?

"Sex Machine, please," She felt weird calling him that and politely tried to intercept him from leaving.

"I'm sorry if I came off as demanding. Before you go, I just wanted you to know I really appreciated last night. I had something done for free that felt...amazing."

She recalled his strong arms wrapped around her frail body, sheltering her from the world and its problems. If Cerci found out what went down, she probably would've been jealous- or maybe mad Genesis didn't take the opportunity to ride the robot.

"You are welcome to return for more," Sex Machine cooed, pressing his sharp finger tip under Genesis's chin as he lifted her face up. "I will be waiting for you."

Damn he was good, Genesis thought as her spine tingled and the arms on her hair rose to the high heavens. She knew he didn't really have feelings for her, but the way he acted made her feel so special and loved.

Of course, all males were like that, were they not? Pretending to love you, only to end up throwing you away at the end. On to the next one, right?

Genesis felt her eyes start to brim with tears, and without thinking all the hatred she had felt for her last ex suddenly returned. All the lies, the abuse, the manipulation, the false "I love you's".

"I won't be back," she spat out suddenly, not even looking at the robot in front of her. "Stop trying to change the subject of my friend . You know something and you're not telling me. God you're all the same."

Sex Machine was about to respond until she pushed past him, wiping her tears and running down the hallway.

As she stepped out of the sliding door and disappeared from view, Sex Machine silently followed after, reviewing everything he had said that might have made her upset.

He didn't know what he had done wrong, he just did what he always did. If anything, he had never once had a client act in such a way and it threw the robot off. Did she not like him?

Sex Machine tried to come up with a proper solution to the problem, and the only one he could think of was that she was in pain.

Her friend was gone, her ex lover seemed to have traumatized her, and he perhaps came off too strong.

"Hey, Sexy!" A rough, mocking voice caught the attention of the machine, and before he realized it he was already in the main club area. A rather disgruntled Xavier was making his way towards him, and it was obvious he had caught sight of the crying woman.

"What do you think you're doing?" Xavier scoffed, waving his finger in the other's face. "You know customers can't stay overnight. It's just a few hours then they leave. Besides, that bitch didn't even pay. Should've kept my mouth shut before."

"My apologies. She wished to speak to you about something, however. It involves her friend going missing."

Xavier rolled his eyes, picking a small tin can from his pocket and opening its contents. A thick vapor began to leak out, and he inhaled a good amount before putting the lid back on.

"You do me a favor and don't tell her shit. She comes back, I'm not here and you don't know anything. Now get back to your place and recharge. I got another show for you to do tonight."

The fat manager waddled away, shaking his head as he faded from view.

Sex Machine stared after him, a deep rumble emitting from his core. Before he knew it, he had accidentally dug his claws into one of the metal chairs he was standing next to.

Deep, angry lines penetrated through the thick material. The robot looked at the hand that had caused damage for a moment before returning back to his charging station.

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