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𝕊𝕡𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕤 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖

I groaned as my eyes filled with the sunlight that poured in through the blinds. I tried to stretch but felt one of my arms being weighed down. I looked over at Smiley as she slept peacefully wrapped in blankets on top of my arm. I smiled a bit as I used my free hand to move a bit of hair out of her face.

I think I might actually be in love for once in my life. Like not some bullshit street love like I've had before. Just a genuine calm type of love I mean I know this is the "honeymoon phase" and all that shit but I have a feeling this might last. I've never felt this way about any of my exes with Violet it's so different she's different. She doesn't want me because of my status or to prove she can pull me. She wants me, Oscar not Spooky and I think that's the major difference between her and the others.

I tried to gently move my arm from up under her the best I could without waking her up. I wanted her to sleep as long as possible because she deserves it. I was scooting off of the bed when I heard a drowsy voice.

"Where are you going?" Smiley said groaning, she rolled over and looked up at me with tired eyes. I couldn't help but smile as I looked down into her big brown eyes. They were like pools of honey I could swim in especially in the sunlight.

"Well I was going to surprise my little princessca with breakfast but now I think I might just skip that." She scrunched up her face a bit.

"Okay but what if I wanted breakfast?" I laughed as I fully got up from the bed. I stretched a bit then picked up my black tank top and put it on.

"Well then princessca we're just gonna have to go get it because I ain't cooking." I was fixing my chain in the mirror with my back facing her but if I know my Smiley well then I know she was probably rolling her eyes at me.

"Fiiiine I'll get up and go with you"


"Ouu I love this song!" Smiley said turning up the radio, doing a cute little dance after.

I just laughed eating a piece of sausage we're sitting in a McDonald's parking lot eating breakfast. I really wasn't kidding when I said I wasn't cooking shit I ain't got groceries at the house anyways. I love moments like this where I can just sit and relax with my baby. Being the leader of a gang aint a easy job you always gotta watch your back cause fools can be plotting on you at all times. I constantly walk around with a target on my back I never know if or when I'm gonna make it home but I chose this life.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I looked over at her with a smile and just shook my head.

"Nothing Mi' amor just enjoying my moment with you." Her lips curved into a small smile she looked away trying to hide her rosey cheeks. She's so adorable I know how shy she gets whenever I say something sweet to her so I always try to just so I can see her get all shy.

"You're so cute mi-" I was cut off by the sound of both our phones ringing. I let mine ring but I watched as Smiley picked up hers the smile on her face immediately faded after reading the caller ID she rolled her eyes as she answered.

"Yes mama" Almost immediately a loud voice rang through the phone speaker. I couldn't make out what she was saying I could only faintly hear the conversation.

This went on for a quick 5 minutes before Smiley finally hit the end call button. She sat the phone down one the dashboard with a sigh.

"We gotta go back" She said quietly I could tell she was done talking so I just nodded and started the engine. I'll find out what happened later.


𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕤 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜

I woke up from a nap yawning I didn't realize I had fell asleep. I was up waiting for my mama she should have been off hours ago. I looked at the time it read 12:45 AM. Almost as if  summoned my mom walked through the door giggling and laughing.' I could make out another voice it sounded like a man.  I cautiously got up I tried to be quiet making sure not to creak any of the old floorboards as I made my way to the door. I slowly turned the knob an peaked through the slightly opened door. I cringed as I watched my mom and some brown skin man with long locs. I tried to pull myself away but I continued to examine the mystery man. His torso and arms were covered in tattoos. One stuck out to me though it was a huge tattoo on his back of prayer hands with a green bandanna in between the hands. My mom said something that immediately drew my attention away from the man.

"I'll think I'll love you forever  Quees"

  All I could think was who the fuck is  Quees??"

"Violet wake up" My eyes immediately shot open. I groggily looked over at spooky and yawned.

"You never call me that" As I said that I watched as a familiar black Mercedes pulled up in front of the house. Oscar's hand immediately reached towards the glove box where I'm assuming he keeps his gun. I just sighed and stepped out of the car watching as my "mother" did the same.

Me and Oscar shared a look as we watched her walk towards us. She was wearing a black skin tight Versace jumpsuit with black and gold pumps I mean I cant deny she looked amazing but  her ass also looked so out of place in a hood like this.

"Mi hija how are you?" My mom asked immediately pulling me into a hug. I'm sure Spooky was surprised when he realized  she was my mother. I mean she doesnt look a day over 30 plus she's a shorter, slim, lighter skinned Afro Latina, while I'm... none of  those.

"Hola mama" I gave her a tight smile as I halfheartedly hugged her. Oscar awkwardly stood there hands in his pockets as he watched me embrace my mother he had never met.

"Violet what are you doing with a Santo" She said as if she was disgusted by the mention of the name. I could tell Oscar wanted to say something but he held his tongue.

"Mama can you not this is Oscar my uh boyfriend"  It was hard for me to tell her that Oscar was my boyfriend, even though we have lived on this block for years, she has never liked the Santos. My mother has always tried to keep me from gang violence, so I'm sure seeing me with one now must feel strange. She sucked her teeth and stared at him with a judgmental gaze.

"Okay but we need to talk about some stuff. Let's meet at my house tonight ill text you the time." Oscar squeezed my hand as we watched  her walk back to her car. I let out a sigh of relief immediately burying my face in his chest the moment her car passed us.

My nerves were calmed by the scent of Oscar's cologne as he gently stroked my head and wrapped his other hand around my waist. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself. Seeing my mother should not be this hard for me, but it's my first time seeing her in person since she moved in with her rich boyfriend three months ago after his divorce was finalized.

"She's going to have my  head" I groaned with my face still buried in his chest. I felt Oscar's body tense up at my words.

"Not if I  have hers first." He whispered under his breath.

𝕊𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕪 ~𝕆𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕣 𝔻𝕚𝕒𝕫~Where stories live. Discover now