Chapter Five: Expect The Unexpected

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"Stefen Salvatore as I live and breath" Everyone looks at us like we are crazy and then Carlisle grabs me and starts to growl and he says " How do you know her, How do you him." I look at Carlisle and kiss him and say" He is like an older brother to me you have nothing to worry about." He looks at me and smiles and says " Sorry man." And Stefen says " No problem so this is the guy you, Sophie and Jeremy keep telling me about good to know you are looking after her and that you love her." He looks at us and smiles and I say " So Esme is your mate I told you it wasn't Elena sorry Jeremy I know she is your sister but I knew it was Damon the whole time she just never listened." He looks at Esme and kisses her and says " She is the love of my life and she keeps the ripper side of me under control." I look at him and say " See she's good for you and she is helping you do what you always wanted to do." He looks at me smiling and says " Well you seem more relaxed and calmer than normal." Carlisle looks at me and says " What do you mean calmer than before." I look at Stefen and he looks sorry and Esme looks like she knows too I look at Carlisle and say " I was a little more dangerous when I was in Mystic Fall than here most vampires there called me the devil's sister mostly because I acted a lot like Klaus and Kol." He looks at me and says " Why baby I know that wasn't you, I know you." I look at him and say " Well half of the time I was saving someone or I was about to die so it was like I was." And before I could say anything Jasper says " You were always in battle mode like a none stop fight." I look at Jasper and say " Yeah like a none stop battle Carlisle I know that you were not looking for that but." And before I could say anything else he says " I know you had that part of you Keyvon you were a queen without a king you had to fight in battle just because you still have that in you doesn't mean I don't love you." I look at him and kiss him and I say " See that's why I love you, you even love my dark side something most people hated." He looks at me and kisses me and then Stefen says " Ok I know you're in love but can you stop kissing my sister I am right here." Everyone laughs and I start to get really hot Carlisle knows I'm a little too hot too and as he was about to take me to the waterfall I look at him and say softly " No Esme wants us her I will be fine just keep hugging me ok." He looks at me and nods his head we all walk into the house and my mom says " What movie does everyone want to watch Keyvon can you go make popcorn maybe like three or four bowls." As I was about to get up Stefen looks at me and then he says " It's ok mom I will do it and Keyvon I will get you some ice water and a cup of ice you want one mom." He asked my mom trying not to make it obvious that I am overheating as I am sitting there I get into Carlisle a little more so I could get a little colder Stefen comes and brought me ice and ice water we watch Boo two and when the movie is over he picks me up and puts me in the car he goes into my room and get me some more clothes just as he leaves Jasper comes out and says " You let yourself overheat to give us all a day together why." I look at him and I say " I know every since Carlisle and I meet he's not really at home like that I mean he sleeps in my bed I just wanted to give you time with your dad that's all" He looks at me and says " You know it's dangerous for you to overheat and the whole time Carlisle was ready for that movie to be over so he could get you to the waterfall." I look at him and say " I know you can feel emotions but how did you know what he was thinking that's Edward's power." He looks at me and says "He told me he read Carlisle's mind don't worry he is starting to like you I gust all he need was to see Esme happy to get used to you he always looked at her as a mother." I looked at him and say " Thank you tell them that Carlisle will be home tonight even if I have to get him there myself." He looks at me and before he could say anything Carlisle comes out of my room throw the window I look at him and say " Can you try to act normal, People do walk in the woods you know." He laughs hugs Jasper and then we leave he was driving really fast I look at him and say " Slow down you could hit someone." He looks at me and hands me an ice pack and says " Here put this on your stomach into we get to the waterfall." I look at him and I say" I am fine you need to slow down now or so help me god you will never touch me again." He starts to slow down the car and looks at me and says " I'm sorry I just don't want you to overheat too much I don't want you to get hurt." I kiss him and we get to the waterfall I take off my clothes and get in and this happens 

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