Chapter 34==Words That Are Meant To Be Forgotten==

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"Have Fun with your date with His Highness!"

I gave Virgo a glare as every zodiac are starting to tease me now, Libra,Cancer and Pisces had now returned back from their work and kept on teasing me

It's been a week since the day that The King had invited me out, and I was baffled that I'm the one who needs to take responsibility of the idiocy our prince had done

And anyways, I disliked this plan so much! I want to reject it, but unfortunately a lot of nobles witness the scene,

I can't tarnish the reputation of our beloved Guest,

And since a lot of nobles saw that scene, rumours started to spread, the more it spread the more exaggerating the rumour is

And sister is treating me so well since then, and also the Princess who suddenly given me precious jewelry that she owned which shocked me and the zodiacs

Are they that happy that the King is overly interested in me?

I've been avoiding going out in public since then, I don't want to encounter either the Prince, the Marquis and the King, I don't want to handle their flirtatious or whinings Infront of me

Because I've stayed with grandfather every day, and the zodiacs had helped me stealth my way to Grandfather's that's why I've successfully avoided the King in my home

And today.... Is the day of the date, His Highness actually had sent me a letter about this,

He sent me a letter even though we're living under the same roof because I'm avoiding him, and he knows that because he's freaking smart

He is the most smartest monarch in all the Northern Kingdom, he needs to be smart so he can live up to his freaking title

"You should know better how I detest this scenario" I told her as she finished powdering my face, getting me ready for my so called 'date'

"Don't worry Master, I believed that the others object this relationship more than you do" Virgo chuckled as she said those words, I looked at her appearance and is in Ellie's form, or should I say Aries

I remembered how most of them are trying to manipulate the King, trying to twist his memories, afraid that I'll be taken away from them

I lightly smiled, knowing how they're overprotective of me, and I'm happy about it

"I bet that they'll try to ruin our date" I joked and laughed out loud, hoping that Virgo would think of it as a joke, but as I continued laughing hard only to face a serious Virgo, my laughter died down,

"Don't tell me they're trying to ruin the date?"

"Yes, they're trying to ruin the date, like you witness, they disliked the affections of the King for you" she explained to me as I lightly smiled

"I hope that they'll do their plan right" I stated, all fired up for the plan to ruin this date

"But Master, what are your plans? Don't tell me that you're planning to stay as a Silverton?you know that you can't work if you continue using your real identity?" Virgo asked me

"I have it all planned out... I want to make them think I'm dead..."

"And when is your plan to work out? And how can you assure that you won't be truly dead?"she asked me in a worried tone

"I have you guys to make a fake me, a dead fake me, what's use of you magics if you won't help me" I told her, she was silent for a moment before understanding my words

"That's true... But won't your admires think it's weird? That you're suddenly dead?"

"Don't worry about that, I have Grandfather, and if not, I just need to be dead Infront of them, using the mannequins of course" I responded, I've done a lot of this in the past, so it's not new to me, especially now that I have magical beings to help me

"You never fail to amaze me master, and all finish up!" She exclaimed as I watch my appearance at the mirror, currently disgusted by it

"You really went all out" I sighed as I said those words, only to receive a bright smile from Virgo, "It's a date, of course you need to look good!" She excused, I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disappointment

"I thought that the plan was to ruin this date? Why am I looking like I'm so excited and looking forwards to this dreaded date?"I asked her, as I looked at the off-shoulder purple dress with butterfly patterns in it, it goes down above the knee

My wavy white hair was flown down in my back, and my makeup was made to be simple, highlighting my golden eyes

And it finished up with a 4-inch purple sandal also, with a big flower on top,

"I support everyone who had feelings for you, except for the Prince and the Marquis, they're all death flags...but as for the King, he is a decent man, and I just want you to find love" she told me with a serious look and her eyes slightly sparkled, her eyes started to filled with hope

"Do you want me now to settle so I can conceive your next master then?" I joked as I could hear her lightly chuckle

"You know that's not the case, love is a great feeling, your still young, and in that age is the perfect age to find love, even if it just a short period of time"

I lightly smiled, as I continue to examine my look, admiring Alyssa's beauty,

"Master!" I slightly turn my attention to Virgo, who's now holding a blue-colored envelope

My brows furrowed as I know the person who had sent that,

"It seems it's from Kian, do you want to read it? Or should I just burn it?" She asked me as I sighed loudly

"Burn it, I don't want to see him" I told her, as I could see her hesitant face "But Master, won't you atleast read what he had sent? You've burned every letter sent by him without reading it, shouldn't you atleast know it's contents?"she asked me

"Even if I don't read it, I know what he had written, it's obvious that he wanted to talk... And I don't want to see him ever, in this lifetime"I responded as I stopped myself from furrowing my hair, so the hairstyle won't be destroyed

"But you can't avoid him forever"

"Yes I can, I can just hide in Moonlight"I retorted back, Virgo unable to argue back in my words, knowing that Moonlight is the only place that noone can search

I know that the Zodiacs sided with him, but hell I care! I detest love...

I close my eyes as I remembered some words from my past...and I cursed myself for remembering his last words

'"Red, I'm sorry and I love you..."'


Happy 84k reads🎉🥳

I never thought that a lot of you are waiting for this story's update every week, any how, since my recent update is for Last Week, here's for this week😊😊

Any how, excited to know who's the one who said those words? 😯

And is Red her real name? Or just an alias...🤔🤔

And what really happened between Alyssa and Kian the night of Amelia's birthday that led him to be ignored by her?🥲

I know a lot of you are wondering what happened, but it will all be revealed soon!! 😁

See you in the next update next week🎉🎉

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