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Chapter 710 Was Her Fault for Having Four Such Childish Older Brothers

Jiang Yu said, “Fourth Brother, I believe you.”

Jiang Zeyu was moved and said, “Little Sister, you’re still the best…”

Jiang Yu stated, “Because I know that you’re just a little silly sometimes and don’t have this kind of…strange habit.”

Jiang Zeyu: “…”

Jiang Xingyi: “Pfft, hahahaha…”

In his heart, Jiang Zeyu dragged Jiang Jingnian out and beat him up. He thought to himself that he had to ruin his appearance later. He would not take this lying down!

However, in front of Jiang Yu, Jiang Zeyu still took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. Instead, he said aggrievedly, “Little Sister, aren’t you surprised to see me? Didn’t you miss me?”

Jiang Yu: “Of course, I missed you.”

Jiang Zeyu was happy as he threw a triumphant look at Jiang Xingyi. It meant, ‘See, the person that Little Sister misses the most is me!’

Jiang Yu continued, “I miss the soup dumplings that you brought for me before class. It was especially delicious. After that, I ate a few more, but none of them tasted like that.”

Jiang Zeyu: “…”

Jiang Xingyi returned Jiang Zeyu’s gaze, meaning that his little sister clearly missed the soup dumplings, not him!

Jiang Yu casually asked, “Where are Big Brother and Second Brother? Where are they hiding?”

Jiang Zeyu followed up, “They…they are…”

He almost said it out loud, but his conscience made him swallow it back.

“They should be at home.”

Jiang Yu said in disbelief, “Oh?”

Jiang Xingyi looked down and did not say a word.

Thanks to Jiang Chenglang’s reminder, he did not want to lie so blatantly. It was too silly.

It was better to let Jiang Zeyu be such a silly character. He was more suitable.

Jiang Zeyu’s tone softened a little. “But maybe…right?”

Jiang Yu did not press any further.

Since they wanted to be all mysterious, she might as well cooperate with them.

Since Jiang Zeyu had already brought food over, the three of them simply ate in Jiang Xingyi’s room.

Jiang Zeyu said as he ate, “Little Sister, are the people staying in the room next to you also members of your team? I originally wanted to stay in the other room next to you, but it was booked. I asked the hotel how long it was booked, but they refused to tell me. They said it was because it involved the privacy of their clients and they wanted to keep it a secret.

“After some thought, I figured that it should be until the end of the competition, right? Anyway, it doesn’t matter where he stays. How about I tell your teammate to switch rooms with me? It’s not far away. My room is just around the corner.

“It shouldn’t make much of a difference to him, but it’s different to me. Little Sister, I just want to stay close to you.”

Seeing that Jiang Zeyu really wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with the guest in the room next to hers, a series of ellipses floated across Jiang Yu’s forehead.

If Jiang Zeyu knocked on the door and found that Feng Linbai was living in the room…

She simply could not imagine that scene, nor could she imagine what Jiang Zeyu and Jiang Xingyi would think.

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