drugstore trips: neil perry

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for pinkangelwings444

Neil walked in the aisles nervously, normally Welton students weren't allowed out of campus but he had snuck out for his special girl. In a time like this; he knew he should've been going a little faster but he wanted to pick out the best things with whatever was left of his allowance money.

"Excuse me," he mumbled to another boy looking through the aisle, the boy turned awkwardly with an equally awkward smile. "Do you know which ones would be better?"

His eyes darted to the pads and then picked up two random packets. The boy walked toward him.

"My girlfriend says that the bigger ones are better, whatever that means, they all look the same size to me," he looked between his options then pointed at one, "But this one has...wings? Those should keep it in place, right?"

"That makes enough sense," he chuckled, putting the other pack back. "I don't know what else to get, this is my first time in this aisle. When I used to come her with my mom she'd make me go to the candy aisle. At the time it seemed wonderful but now I really don't know what I'm doing."

"Are these for your...significant other?" He nodded toward the other side and started putting things inside the little basket Neil carried.

"Yeah, poor thing. She's been stuck in bed, I should really get back with all this stuff."

"Well, then just look through what I added to your basket and see if your girlfriend needs them."

Neil smiled and him, "Thank you."

"Yeah, no problem man," The boy smiled then walked past him with his own stuff. He turned before leaving the aisle to look back at the still confused boy then stopped. "Second thought, come with me."

Neil sighed but did as told. The boy lead him to the back where all the coolers were. "Hurry up!"

* *

"Y/n! I think I got everything I needed," Neil returned, sweaty from biking for so long. Y/n turned in bed then smiled slowly at him, "I got your ice cream. I didn't know which you liked so I got you the small packs of cookies and cream and one of sherbet. Is that okay?"

"That's lovely," y/n raised herself slowly from bed as Neil handed her one of the ice cream packs. He walked to the bed and sat next to her showing her the rest of the bag.

"Sorry I took so long. You just told me to go but I didn't know what to get. I got help from a stranger."

"What's up with you and always talking to strangers?"

"People like me," Neil kissed her cheek and then handed her the packet. "Aspirin, hot packs, pads...the ones that fly away and the other ones that say night. Another blanket, and this little bag you could put your pads in for later."

"You're perfect," she took them happily. "Did you get anything for nausea? My head is hurting so bad."

Neil frowned, "No, tulips. But I could go out again and get something for you? I'm sorry."

"No no, it's fine. Don't be sorry. I'll just go change and I'll be back," she took the bag. When she came back she was walking slower, which Neil took as an indicator to help her.

"Let's just get you in bed," he whispered and did as promised. He laid next to her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I really do hope you feel better."

"Maybe if I sleep it away?"

"Sleep away, tulips. As long as you want, I wouldn't ask a flower to bloom faster."

"Corny much?" Y/n laughed but then winced slightly when she got a cramp on her side.

"Shh," he grinned back. "I could just turned my back and I won't cuddle you to sleep."

"You wouldn't be that evil," she feigned a gasp as he turned around and huffed comically. "Neil, turn around."

"No you hurt my feelings," he rolled his eyes even though he knew she couldn't see, then whispered like it was a secret, "for calling me corny."

"Neil," she whined but became the big spoon. "Thank you for bringing me everything, you're an amazing boyfriend."

Neil closed his eyes and left himself calm down in her arms, "You forgot your ice cream."

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