Chapter 84 - In Mother's Arms (2)

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He paused, seemingly collecting his thoughts together. "You told me that I could do whatever I want."

"Yes, I remember." Lila nodded. Hir's face brightened at her response, gulping nervously before he proceeded.

"May I ask you something..?"

"Of course. What is it?" Lila could feel how nervous Hir was. The grasp he had on her sleeve was fidgeting slightly and she wondered what it was that's troubling him. Lila smiled at him in assurance.

"Can I.."

"Can you.." Lila tilted her head, prodding him to continue.

"Can I sleep with you?" Hir grumbled as he toyed with his fingers. He resembled a young sheep in front of its shepherd, and Lila couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Why are you laughing at me..?!" Hir frowned, heat blossoming his cheeks.

"Why do you look so serious?" Lila asked teasingly.

"You think I act like a child, don't you?" Hir bent his head low like he was embarrassed of himself.

Lila smiled at that. "Well, you are one." There was no teasing in Lila's words, but Hir flushed all the same.

"No I'm not! I'm.." His words drifted from him.


Unsure how to answer her, Hir closed his lips tightly in surrender. His face was red as a tomato reaching all the way to his ears.

Fortunately for him, Lila didn't want to stress him any further. "You asked me if you could sleep with me, right?"

"Yes." Hir hummed silently.

"In my room?"

Hir nodded. "If that's alright.."

"Let's go to my room then." Hir's eyes shone brightly in excitement, and she was reminded of Lacias' eyes that were just as expressive. She lifted him up in her arms and carried him.

"Please put me down.." He said, but still finding his arms circling her neck as held onto her tightly. She smiled and pulled him closer in her embrace, realizing that his frame had gotten a tad bigger. He was not thin as he used to anymore. Even with how heavy he was, she knew she could still make it to her room with Hir in her arms.

"Do you still get nightmares?" Lila asked.

"Sometimes I do."

"You don't have to worry. I'll hold you close throughout the night." She assured in a comforting voice.

She felt him nod against her shoulder. What Lila didn't see was the huge smile creeping on Hir's face.

* * * 

"Rock-a-bye baby on the treetop,

When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.."

It's been almost an hour since Lila sang him lullabies to soothe him to sleep, even caressing his back gently but Hir was still wide awake. "Hey, Hir."


"Aren't you sleepy yet?" Lila asked.

The boy shook his head in response. "Not at all. The songs sound so nice, and I like hearing you sing. How do you even do that?" It seemed like sleep wasn't coming anytime soon, his eyes as bright as the moon.

"Can you sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star again?" When Lila hummed the songs in a honeyed voice, Hir had instantly taken a liking to the melodies he heard for the first time.

Beside him was a sleepy Lila who could barely keep herself awake. Her promise to stay up with him the whole night was the only thing that prevented her from drifting off. Lila took on a sitting position and leaned her back against the bed frame, eyes shutting tightly to ward off the sleepiness before opening them once again.

"Do you like that one the most?" Lila asked.

"Yes! I like the lyrics." Hir beamed as he looked up at her.

"Is that so?" Hir looked like a little star himself, sprawled out on her bed with limbs stretched at his sides. The resemblance of Hir to a star made her think of her own ring, recalling how she planned on asking Hizette to teach Hir how to make one. Showing him her ring seemed like a good idea; since doing so would help him grow used to it. She initially thought that she would put off showing it to him until she knew how to use it well, but now's a good time as any other.

Seeing Lila seat upright made Hir sit up as well. "Mother?"

"Hir." Lila called.

"Yes?" Hir visibly tensed on his spot at the sudden change of atmosphere.

Lila's eyes swept over Hir's face, who was patiently waiting for her to go on. "Hir."

"Y-yes.." Hir stammered. His mind reeled over the things she would say. Was she going to kick him out of her room? Hir knew for a fact that his mother wasn't harsh like she used to be, that she doesn't treat him that way anymore, but he couldn't help the anxiety that was slowing building within him at the sound of her voice. He peered up at her worriedly.

"Do you want to see a star?"

The uneasiness he felt vanished as soon as it had come. Hir nodded eagerly, really wanting to see the stars but wasn't able to since he was not allowed to sleep with the windows wide open, especially how freezing the nights could become. "I want to!" His face lit up in excitement as he bounced on his spot. "Would I see a lot of stars if we open the windows?"

"It's not that." Lila responded.

Hir stopped moving, tilting his head in confusion. "Oh?"

"There's another way to see it up close." Lila reached over the drawer next to the bed and drew the white pistol out. She angled her hand and created a ring, being able to execute it quite well from Madame Marshmell's muscle memory. "See?"

"Wow!" Hir exclaimed at the sight of a golden ring wandering about the pistol. It did look like a star in the dark. "What is this? It's amazing!"

Lila was thrilled at the boy's response. "It's called a ring. Isn't it beautiful?"

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