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We take it slow at first, both agreeing that the rich food from the Capitol won't do very well on our famished stomachs. We each have a small portion then I sit up to keep watch for the night and Austin goes to sleep.

Do people look younger when they sleep? Because right now, Austin could be the shy but boisterous boy that insulted me on my first day of school. He's apparently loved me every day since, though.

An hour later, he wakes. I only notice because he lays his hand on mine, which is spread out on the stone floor, propping me up. I look down at him and he smiles softly.

Suddenly, we hear Claudius Templesmith's voice again.

"Attention, tributes, attention. Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast at the cornucopia. But this is no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts."

"Your medicine," I say immediately.

"No, you're not going alone," Austin warns me.

"Yeah?" I challenge. "And who's going to stop me? You need it, you can't walk and-"

"Willow, I'm not gonna let you risk your life for me-" he begins.

"You would do it for me!" I raise my voice. Bringing it back down, I look at the cave floor. "You have done it for me."

"Why are you doing this?" He asks.

I know I must say it, even if I don't mean it. "Because I can't let you go."

He kisses my cheek as I whisper. "I'll stay."

But a few hours later, when I see what his leg is like, I make a very different decision. It's worse, a lot worse, and I know if I don't do something quick, the cannon will be firing and his picture will be in the sky.

Taking my axes and giving my last glance to Austin, I walked out of the cave and away from it.

After they lost their supplies, I presume Cato and Clove must've switched camps, and are now hiding out somewhere else. They're the only other two tributes that the 'two can win' rule affects. Apart from them, there's Thresh and Nina, and that's all of us that are still standing.

Nina. I really don't want to think about her right now.

I always knew it would be inevitable that we couldn't be allies forever, but still... she was my ally. And I want her to stay alive.

I just don't want that to come at the expense of my life.

I arrive at the cornucopia and watch from the same foliage I did when I was about to blow up the supplies. From there, I see four packs on a table that stands before the cornucopia. One with 2 on it, the others with 5, 11 and 12. I focus my eyes on the last pack. I knew that medicine lay inside it.

Suddenly, I see a girl with red hair dart out from behind the trees. Nina! My head is filled with both frustration and admiration for her. Whilst the rest of us are no doubt huddled round the plain, plotting how to go and get out packs, she just went in and got hers!

She's such a smart person that there's no way the career's'll be able to kill her off, I've thought many times. But... that means...

I don't want to think it

Right. I decide I'm not waiting any longer. I'm one of the fastest girls at school, and I know I can do this.

I sprint to the packs, instantly grabbing the 12 one and running, but round the other side of the cornucopia, I meet a surprise.

Clove's running at me, throwing knives every second. One hits me above the eyebrow and I flip over on the ground. I get up almost immediately though and throw an axe at her. It only misses before she dodges. Then she grabs me and wrestles me to the ground.

𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 ☘︎ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt