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The last bell of the day rang as you packed up your notebooks. "See you at 8 Munson." You said as you turned to him. His dark brown hair fell just above his shoulders, the curls framing his face. "Yep. 8 at yours." He said as he got up from his seat. You turned to walk out of the classroom and into the crowded halls. You and Eddie were just becoming friends. The two of you always knew eachother, but you never really started talking to him until two months ago. Principal Higgins reached out to you and wanted you to tutor him so he could finally graduate. Ever since then, you and Eddie would meet at your house after his campaigns.

You got in your car shutting the door behind you. You just sat in your car for a while thinking about Eddie. You thought about the way he made you feel when you were around him. You also thought about his eyes, his lips, his smile. You wrote about it in your diary. How much you liked him, how much you needed him. The thoughts you would have late at night. They were all in your diary, which had been missing for the past few days. Ever since then, the thoughts you would have about Eddie would replay in your mind until the next time you saw him. You started your car and pulled out of the car lot, anxious to get home and look for that little brown notebook full of your most vulnerable thoughts.

You pulled into your driveway and rushed inside. Even though you had time before Eddie arrived, you needed to find your diary.  You scrambled through your room pulling open every drawer, opening every cabinet, looking under everything. Then, your mind though about the last time you saw Eddie.


You walked up the steps toward his front door. Knocking on it, you heard his footsteps approaching. "Hey y/n, what's going on?" He asked. You were stressed from finals. All you came for was a little high. "Can I buy from you?" You asked. You cringed at the question. Why would you ask if you could buy from him. Eddie looked at you with a confused look. "I didn't think you smoked?" He asked. "I don't, normally. I'm just stressed and I need to relax." You said. He opened the door a little further. "Don't worry about it, I was about to smoke myself. You're more than welcome to join." He said as he smiled and gestured for you to come inside.

After about an hour, the two of you got high. Sharing the blunt and passing to eachother after every few puffs. "Be right back." Eddie said as he jumped off the sofa. He ran into the bathroom. After you heard the door lock, you pulled your diary out of your bag and began writing about the experience. 'He could do anything to me. His eyes, his lips, his hair. The way he looks when he inhales smoke.' You flinched when you heard the toilet flush. You smacked the diary shut and laid it on the coffee table infront of you. "What's that?" He said approaching the couch. "Just this book I have to read." You said as you felt your face heat up. "Oh, okay." Eddie said as he jumped back on the couch.

*end of flashback*

You felt your heart drop as you remembered.  You must've forgotten to grab it before you left. What if he read it? You felt so stupid. You hoped a shower would take your mind off of it.  After a few hours, it was about time for Eddie to show up. Your hair was still wet from your shower and you had a tan sweatshirt on with some blue shorts. You ran downstairs and grabbed a chip bag and two sodas for you and Eddie. You planned on avoiding all conversation that didn't involve school. You thought that maybe this way, he wouldn't think about your diary. You knew he read it, it's something he would do. You threw the chips and drinks on your bed and grabbed the books and notes from your backpack. Just as you pulled out the last folder, you heard your doorbell.

eddie munson smut/imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें