17 | including hers

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"As long as I'm alive, you won't even get a penny from my family, Satin. I'd rather my hair dresser marry him than you-"


A day later, I was making myself coffee in my kitchen when Pierre shuffled in.

"Ms. Du Sang," Pierre gently nudged me aside to make the coffee for me. "You came home late. I heard about the exams from your father and he told me to take care of you. You need as much rest as you can get."

"Pierre, please just call me Vesper," I rubbed my eyes, reminding him for the hundredth time. "And I'm fine. Really. Don't worry about me and enjoy your morning."

Pierre ignored me, not budging. Sighing, I took a seat by the counter and stared out the window. "Your father isn't happy you left without telling him when and where. He's worried for you, you know."

"My father doesn't give a damn," my lips tightened. "You know that, Pierre. Stop trying to defend him."


"Let's not talk about my brother either," I groaned, gratefully taking the cup of black coffee. "Thank you, Pierre."

He watched me carefully. "Your stepmother..."

I shot him a look. "No."

"Then let's talk about that Dragomir boy."

I knew that was my last option and talking about Avery was, surprisingly, the least painful subject. "What is there to say?"

"Your mother-" he caught my look and sighed, "Your stepmother has been complaining about the gossip, Ms. Du Sang. All the mothers have been asking her questions she doesn't know the answer to."

"I'm sure she's enjoying it, Pierre," I couldn't help but say bitterly, "Stars know she loves the attention."

Pierre ignored my rude comment. "He's the eldest son and sole heir of the Dragomir family."

"He's not what you expect," I said, the words accidentally slipping out.

Pierre lifted an eyebrow. "The young man made his first hundred million alone. He is quite a deal."

Suddenly, I could not hold his gaze because it felt like he was seeing through me, parts I didn't let anyone see. Not even Pierre, who was like a grandfather to me. "I know."

"Do you?" Pierre looked worried. "There has been speculation on how long the two of you have been together... and what it means."

I didn't say anything.

"You being a Du Sang has been a secret until recently. It did not help that you escaped all the attention by leaving to that island."

My back straightened. "How did you know we went-"

"You're twisting your ring," Pierre smiled, faintly, but it was sad. He had known my mother, Alexander, even before I had. Now, it was just me. "You haven't gone in years."

I sucked in a sharp breath, eyes stinging. "Thank you for the coffee, Pierre. I need to get to the academy for exams today." Pierre stood but I waved him off. "Avery's picking me up."

Surprise filled his expression before a knowing smile appeared. "Well, then, Ms. Vesper, you better hurry. A young man in a vintage sports car has been waiting outside the gates."


Avery was by the gates when I walked out. "Hey."

I nodded in greeting, following him to his car. "Our relationship isn't a secret anymore."

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