Epi. 24 - Her Past

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Saturday night

Shashi was sitting in her room.

"May I come in?" He asked.

Shashini nodded her head. Jayesh closed the room door and sat beside her.

"How are you Shashi?" He asked.

"Good." She replied.

"Then why can't you sleep in the night?" He asked.

"Are you spying on me?" She asked in annoyance.

"No, Alexander uncle was lamenting to me." Jayesh said.

"You're habituated to sleep in my embrace Shashi that's why you couldn't sleep properly now. "Jayesh said.

"It's nothing like that. I'm sleeping well" Shashi said.

"Yeah, you're sleeping but it's not a deep sleep. You won't wake up until your alarm wakes up everyone in the building. Now you're sleeping after 12.00am and waking up at 6.00am." He said.

"It's none of your business so don't question or care about it." Shashi said sternly.

"Even I couldn't sleep well, Shashi. It's been months since I slept well." He said and looked at her and she was already looking at him.

"I miss you badly." He said while looking into her eyes.

She averted her gaze. 

Silence prevailed for sometime.

"Why are you sending those letters?" She asked about breaking the Silence.

"Because I want you to know how much I Love you." He said sincerely.

"Stop wasting your time." She said.

Suddenly he cupped her cheeks . Shashini was startled. He kissed her forehead and muttered Good night.
But Shashini was too stunned to react.

"Don't think about anything and sleep well." He said and moved out of the room.

Next day evening Jayesh went back to Chennai. 

Once again the letters started to come with a bouquet.

As usual the letter starts with a sorry and ends with I love Shashi.

'Let's see this weekend what reason he will give.' Shashi thought.

Friday evening Jayesh came.

"Why are you here now?" Shashi asked, glaring at him.

"Actually... I.. haan.. last week I left my important project file here itself so I came for that file." Jayesh said and Shashi knows that he is bluffing.

She glared at him and went to her room.

Jayesh sighed.

"What happened to the young man?" Alexander teased.

"It's tiring uncle.. Monday to Thursday evening work then travel." Jayesh said and huffed.

Shashini, who didn't reach her room, heard his whining and felt pity for him.

"Then stay in Chennai itself." Alexander said.

Jayesh gave an 'Am I a joke to you.' look.

Time skips....

It was Saturday evening..

Shashini was sitting in the lawn while reading a file. Jayesh came and sat beside her. Even though knowing his presence she didn't turn towards his side but his intense look disturbed her. Shashini huffed and turned towards him.

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