• Clash Of Hearts •

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"And just because you are a dream,
I sleep alot"

_Mahmoud Darwesh_


She gulped softly as she fisted her hands to stop their shaking. Her beautiful eyelashes that glinted almost golden under the pole lamp's light, quivered ever so slightly and her face began losing its colour by each passing second.

To say that she was shocked would be an understatement.
In all honesty, breath was actually knocked out of her system and her numb legs were barely supporting her figure that seemed to be at the verge of collapsing.
To stop the shaking of her fingers, she had already fisted her hands.
Her doe like eyes stunned, looking at him in utter bewilderment, laced with a tinge of horror.

Shanzay was at complete loss. She couldn't make herself move nor could she think of anything to do at the moment. Her mind was blank and was unable to sense anything other than absolute fear towards him. Too taken aback. Too much shocked.
It couldn't process what was happening.

Under the thick curl of his dark, feather like raven coloured eyelashes that were casting shadows on his well defined cheekbones beneath the golden light coming from the pole lamp, the dark obsidian orbs looked at her with ferocious intensity making her quiver. Her heart shook like an autumn leaf and shivers ran down her spine making her gulp in fear again.

What had she gotten herself into?!!

The sardar looked at her shaken and shocked frame for a minute before lowering his head ever so slightly.
Shanzay saw him turning his lowered gaze towards the right side, just below his shoulder, the fabric cladding the right side of his chest where the henna had left a stamp looking quite unpleasant on the spotless unwrinkled crisp white fabric of the kameez.

He than raised his head and looked at her with even more intensity, arching his thick perfect dark eyebrow at her.

The mere gesture intimidated her to no extent, shaking her fragile little heart.

Shanzay was so horrified that she seemed to be at the verge of collapsing.
She mustered up all the courage in her before letting out the words in her quivering voice,
"S-sorry! I-I d-didn't m-mean it".
The voice was extremely low, even she barely heard it, she didn't know if it reached his ears or not but he did raise his eyebrow even higher, she could swear she saw his obsidian orbs darkening making him look more intimidating and daunting if possible.
Even the dark nightsky above looked less dark and scary as compared to him.

Utterly frightened, she staggered another step back.
Sardar Badar Nauraiz Shah's gaze immediately swept to her heels clad feet that were hidden behind the flares of her lehenga than traveled back to her face. His obsidian irises darkening ever so slightly, looking merciless and chillingly cold.

There rested a pointed, an irritated and somewhat infuriated expression in them as she saw him taking a deep inhale through his nose before parting his lips that were earlier pressed in a thin line.

He was about to say something when the sudden sounds of footsteps echoed startling both of them.

Shanzay's honey brown orbs swept towards the corner where the noises were coming from, the place which led to men's side of the lawn, the place from where he had emerged earlier.

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