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"You're joking."

"I wish I was joking." I said as I leaned back on my chair, my head resting on the edge of it.

I still could not believe this was happening to me. How was he here and so close to me? Why now? I could see his face so clearly every time I closed my eyes and even when they're open. It is a new day and I still could not still not get him out of my mind.

"Did you ruin the date?"

"No. It was okay. We ate and I went home." I said, shrugging. It is a new day and it already sucks. I had slept a total of four hours and spent the rest pacing. It was a change in my schedule and it was making me think even more than usual.

"Are you going to see him again?"


"You remember his name?" Leah asked and for the second time today, I shrug. It wasn't an intentional thing, I just kept associating seeing Harry again with the blind date I had been on. I ran my fingers through my hair as I got up from my chair.

"Yeah, I do."

"Does that mean you actually like him? Would you want to see him again?" Leah asked, looking so happy. Her eyes were wide and her hands clasped together in front of her.

"If I say no?"

"It's mum's turn to set you up." Leah said and I let out a loud sigh. I walked over to the east wall where a table stood with a canter of whiskey and a cup. I normally put that there for aesthetics and in case I have guests. But it seems like I would have to take a sip.

I reached for the canter when there was a loud knock on the door and Deborah walked in with a small tray. There was shortbread on it and a cup of coffee. Once she sees where I was, she begins to make her way towards me. When she got closer, I could smell the coffee and the hint of alcohol.

"Not as much as yesterday. Just two teaspoons." she said and I smiled gratefully.

I reached for the mug of coffee and immediately took a sip. She really was the best assistant that I could ever ask for.

"Shouldn't I also have coffee?" Leah asks and Deborah turns to her.

"Ask your assistant to make you one rather than stay here and make my boss miss a meeting." Deborah replied, her voice saccharine sweet but her expression otherwise.

"Will said he had nothing until 11."

"He has no physical meeting, it's online and you're distracting him from being prepared for it." Deborah said and despite the fact that a part of me knew I should stop this before it escalates and they trade words. Again. I didn't want to stop.

But. . .

"It seems I forgot about my meeting. How about we do lunch, Leah?" I asked as I settled back into my chair. There actually was no meeting but Deborah always knew when I was reaching my limit and cut in with a meeting that I had 'forgotten'.

Leah lets out a huff as she gets up from her seat. "I'll see you at lunch. We will discuss finding a new assistant."

"That will never happen." Deborah smiled sweetly as she waved Leah off. When the door closed behind my sister, I dropped the cup of coffee on my table and stared at her.

"She is my sister, you know."

"I see her as one of the reasons you lost him." Deborah said as she fell into the sit that was once housing my sister. I closed my eyes and let out a breath.

"She is still my sister."

"And others have denounced their families for less." Deborah said with a shrug, crossing her arms.

His Perfect Boy (DDLB) (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now