Chapter 19

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"You will go into heat during King Micah's conference."

Stiffness settled across his shoulders and neck. His own hand trying to ply them into releasing the tension, but the source of his stress would endure any of this massaging that he's doing. Their future necessitates traveling during her most vulnerable time to date and, therefore, his as well. But the enduring prospects of the pack require his attendance. Even with Sir Lucas's endorsement, the deal is far from settled.

"And you have to go." A resolute attitude, as usual, is pulling together the situation. "And I stay here."

Teeth were already popping out of alignment before he could fully grasp the picture she was painting. "Defenseless? Without me?"

That reality was beyond acceptable. Her here, warm and sweating, giving off goddess only knows how many pheromones, probably sending the staff into shock. Abso-fucking-lutely not.

The space between his ribs expanded as his chest grew in size at the thought of finding her like he did earlier, but more intense. Fever burdened, breathing shallow. Salty moisture coating her neck, arms, chest, and legs. Begging for the one and only relief of which he should be the one and only provider of such. Those beautiful thighs leading to her... no way. No fucking way.

She wasn't getting it. Why is the simple solution that she would join him not apparent to her? Is it because she has not traveled with him on his previous trips?

No, it was because... "Love, have you ever left the territory?" Sweet words spoken in a rough tone. The battle of the three psyches was raging inside.


That sounded like an intro, not an answer.

"A couple times I have."

"So, twice?" How and why would she have left? The school was near the edge but not outside. She was raised in the household by the household.

"Sarah's dad took us. In a car. We went to pick up balloons once and go by the bank the other time. I didn't get out, though."

Eyes shut as if the tension expanded from his neck and shoulders to his entire skull. How is this a thing? As much as he obsessed over her growing up, he certainly didn't think much about her development or exposure. Then again, he is only five years older than her. Why didn't his dad step in? Oh yeah, because no one of that generation thought anything of a breeder.

"So, I take it those were the only times you ever rode in a vehicle." With a ribcage returning to its standard size, he reflected on the truth of the situation. She wasn't trying to separate herself from him. Traveling, which is something she hasn't done in her life, was not the first thing to come to mind. "It's a six-hour drive. I'll take you out in the next few months to make sure you don't get carsick."

Her skin, usually pink, started fading to a pasty white. Fear scented the air.

"What is it?"

"Will there be humans around us?"

But of course, she hasn't been around homo sapiens either.

"We could avoid them, but I think you should gain the experience. They look just like us. You won't be noticed."

"They just seem so violent. Will they try and shoot us?"

Ah yes, television and video games. "No, they won't. They aren't like what you've seen. I'll take you to a restaurant, or better yet, a movie."

"Like a date?" What a joy to see that beautiful blush displace the chalky shade that was her complexion from the time she started thinking about being surrounded by the smaller species.

Lycan Breeder (Lycan Breeder Series Book No. 1)Where stories live. Discover now