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BangPD is furious.

Namjoon sits in the suffocating silence that suppresses the room, the tension rising every minute. He is aware of what happened the other day, the entire room is, how could they not be? The paparazzi got plenty of pictures, as did the fans who gathered that day, and within seconds of the incident, those pictures were plastered over every social media page, with questions surrounding them. Questions directed towards HYBE, towards BTS, and the pair in the photos themselves.

Why was she with Taehyung?

Why did Taehyung hide her face?

Is she a staff member?

Are they dating?

And perhaps the most important, and detrimental question of all...

Who was she?

So yes, as we noted before, Bang Sihyuk is furious.

However, what I failed to mention is that Namjoon is just as furious. Perhaps even more so.

You may think that there isn't much to be furious about, after all, despite Yen's worries, no one was able to see her face, nor were they able to identify her based on the pictures, and the way that Taehyung practically buried her face in his chest. Their worst fear wasn't realized, and her identity was concealed.

And yet, the public would not let it go.

They wouldn't let it go, they couldn't let it go.

But maybe...that was the allure of the story.

The fact that they don't know who she is, or why Taehyung was so adamant about protecting her. Perhaps the mere mystery of the event is what has the entire world speculating and talking.

Though none of them know the real story.

And the frustrating part is, neither Namjoon nor Bang Sihyuk or any one of the other members knows it either.

That story is Yen's and Taehyung's alone.

And perhaps that is the worst part of this entire situation.

Namjoon glances over his clasped hands resting against the tip of his lip and finds his eyes resting on Taehyung, where he finds himself faintly recalling the last time he warned him about his involvement with Yen. His fiery eyes, the spite, and anger so clearly written within them were so evident back then. Almost as though Namjoon's warning was sickening to him, as though he were unwilling to accept the burden that was bestowed upon him just as the very name he wears around his neck. Namjoon narrows his eyes at the memory, his hands tightening.

He wasn't willing to listen back then, but now that the consequences are beginning to fall, will he be willing to listen now?

Namjoon doubts it.

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