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Minjoo immediately shook her head.

No, there is no way Jungwon, the Yang Jungwon is standing right in front of her. It's probably just someone who looks exactly like him.

Like those pictures of him in the internet and in that museum.

"Are you alright? "

Minjoo was snapped back to reality as the man in front of her asked her with now worried eyes.

But he looks exactly like him!

Minjoo was about to open her mouth to reply but a voice coming from the distance immediately stopped her.

"My lady Jiyeon! "

Well shit!

Minjoo pursed her lips upon seeing that same girl with black dress running towards their direction.

"Aishh" she muttered in frustration, bouncing on her heel while looking back and forth to the looking like-maid then to the oh so freaking handsome man in front of her who's now giving her a bewildered look.

"Where's the way out? " Minjoo asked loudly, leaving the man more confused than before.

"What? "

"The way out, where is it? " she asked once again.

The man who looked like that certain someone from the history textbooks, raised a brow to her.

"I thought you're working here? Shouldn't you know the way out if that's the case? "

Okay, that makes sense but the thing is, Minjoo doesn't work in that house. Heck she didn't even know where she is. All she knew is that she was taken at the place by mistake!

"My lady Jiyeon, please go back to your room! "

The voice is going nearer and nearer and so with a clouded and panic mind, she grabbed the man's hand as she began running away from that mansion. From that girl who's calling her a certain name.

Minjoo didn't know exactly what she's doing at the moment. All she knew is that she wanted to get away from there and this man right here can help her show the way out.

And so she run and run, dragging the man who's still confused of what's happening.

"Min Jiyeon! "

Minjoo stopped on her tracks. She didn't know why but when she heard that name from someone, probably the intimidating man from yesterday, her body suddenly stopped moving on its own.

She wanted to run but she can't. It's like something is controlling her body.

"Jiyeon? "

Instead of running once again, Minjoo instinctively looked at the man next to her. She wanted to answer him no but again, it's like her body has its own mind as instead of shaking her head, it moves on it's own and nodded to the man.

No what? I'm not Jiyeo-

Wait, what?


Min Jiyeon? I'm not in the past, right?

Right? It can't be, that's impossible. Too impossible!

Now that she noticed it, the surrounding, the way everyone dressed, the way they talk.... It's like one of those from historical movies.

Minjoo's gaze travelled to her hand that's in the mid air when the man pulled his hand away from her. Yeah, it might hurt her a little bit since, well, he looks like Jungwon, the man she has been admiring for a long time now but it confuses her as well.

"My lady Jiyeon! "

Her eyes landed on the girl who's chasing her breaths. Her eyes examining the way the girl dress, it's the same as one of those 1900s or 1800s uniform or costume of maids...

"Please don't run away like that again! Ladies should not run, you should always be polite, my lady Jiyeon! "

Minjoo was about to answer but a fake cough beat her first.

"I shall take my leave now. "

The girl bowed her head to the man who glanced at Minjoo before walking away.

The latter watched his departure, still not processing of what is happening. Or what might be happening.

"Let's go back to your room, my lady. "

Minjoo looked at the girl who's now guiding her back to the house.

"Do you know him? " she asked, referring to the man who looked exactly like Jungwon.

"It's my first time seeing him, my lady. " the girl answered.

Minjoo just nodded her head. Though she immediately stopped on walking making the girl who's guiding her, alerted.

"My lady! "

Minjoo wanted to laugh from her expression but she doesn't want to be rude by laughing at the girl's face so she held herself.

"What era is this? "

The girl looked at her in confusion. "My lady? "

"I mean, what's the date today? What year? "

She asked, praying to whoever is up there that she's not where and what years she's in. Because if it is, then Minjoo didn't know what she'll do.

Though deep down, there's a part of her rejoicing and hoping...

"Ahh." The girl smiled as they continued walking towards the mansion once again. "It's 20th of March, my lady. "

Okay, the date is the same. What about the year?

"Year? "

The girl looked at her then smiled once again.

"Year 1865, my lady. "

1865 ; jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now