Chapter 10

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Huo Wei had his attention on the computer at his front. Even with his focus solely on the computer, the oppressive atmosphere always surrounding him didn't lessen a bit.

Employees with enough experience at the Huo Company knew not to disturb him during work hours unless necessary Though, there was one exception.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a man made his way in. He had blonde hair, and his eyes were a little mischievous. The office wear he had on couldn't disguise his personality. His entrance was like his personality, loud and boisterous.

"Huo Wei, such a huge thing happened to you and you didn't inform me. If I didn't pry it out of Assistant Lin how would I know you were almost assassinated."

"Say, have you found a girlfriend? Otherwise, why would you disregard me?"

Seeing that Huo Wei gave no response, he continued, "Am I no longer your beloved?"

Huo Wei finally lifted his face from his computer to look at his good friend. "Scram."

Xie Chang ignored his words and found himself a seat.

He had known Huo Wei since high school. Then, he thought Huo Wei had the aura of a big boss, so he decided to follow him. Xie Chang was one of the few people who stuck around when Huo Wei was having a hard time. Now, he worked as the CFO of Huo Wei's company. He might be unserious, but he had a talent for finance.

Putting a more serious look on his face, he asked, "Have you found the person responsible?"
Huo Wei replied this time, "Almost."

Immediately he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and Assistant Lin entered.

"Boss, the results of the investigations just arrived."

Xie Chang's interest was piqued. "Investigations?"

"Bring them to me."

Assistant Lin handed the first folder to his boss. "This is the result from investigating the assassination."

Huo Wei opened the folder and went through its contents.

"We found that Huo Jun had frequent contact with people from Viper not long ago. But the communications stopped abruptly after the failed assassination."

Xie Chang interrupted, "Huo Jun? Isn't he from the second branch? Even if the assassination succeeded, your stupid father and his illegitimate son are still there. Does he think he can jump over their heads or are they working together?"

Xie Chang thought about it and said, "That's not right either. They hate each other, so how can they work together?"

Huo Wei's grandfather was the third son of his family, but he was the one who inherited the Huo family. His two older brothers were dissatisfied but couldn't do anything about it. The dissatisfaction had been passed down each generation and was magnified during Huo Wei's reign.

Huo Jun was the second son of the second branch. He was old enough to be Huo Wei's uncle.

Assistant Lin continued, "Mr. Xie is right. We also think there's something fishy here. Perhaps, there is another power hidden in the shadows. Someone like Huo Jun can't gain contact with Viper without someone paving the way. And he wouldn't gain anything from succeeding unless he has been promised something."

Xie Chang asked, "How will you handle this?"

Huo Wei's eyes on the document had become cold. He snapped the folder shut and replied, "The easiest way."

Xie Chang thought to himself. Someone is about to be out of luck.

Assistant Lin nodded and presented the next folder. "This is the result from investigating the lady from the club."

Mr And Mrs HuoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ