Chapter 30: Caffeine

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I slowly walked down the hall with Odin at my heels

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I slowly walked down the hall with Odin at my heels. I moved carefully so as not to accidentally drop something and wake someone up.

I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night. Maybe it's because of the different environment. Or by almost kissing Killian, not even twenty-four hours ago.

I don't know if it was good that Odin interrupted us or not. A part of me wants Odin not to be there at all. But my head tells me that he saved me. It would be a mistake that could not be undone. I would regret it. Right?

I only turned on a small light in the kitchen above the kitchen counter so as not to hurt my eyes with the sudden influx of light.

The only sound in the room came from Odin as his paws hit the floor.

I took dog pellets from the shelf and poured them into his bowl. I sat next to him on the cold floor and leaned my back against the counter.

"At least one of us is happy." I said when I noticed how he was eating and wagging his tail while doing so. "I wish I had your problems." I breathed out hard. "And now I'm talking to a dog." I cursed myself mentally. "But truly, you're the only one who listens to me. You may not understand me, but at least you listen."

Odin looked up at me in confusion, but went back to his bowl right away. I don't know if it was supposed to be a reassuring look, but he didn't look like that.

"I've been thinking about my life lately. I have a lot of time to do that because I don't sleep much. If I can't sleep, I think. And when I do, the nightmares eat me alive. It's so hard."

I felt as if something was pressing on my heart.

"For years I didn't have to deal with emotions or anything. It was easy. And now? I feel like everything is catching up with me. Everything I've been avoiding. It's killing me. I rarely forget it all. Mostly when I'm with Killian."

I tilted my head back and exhaled heavily.

"I'm talking to a dog." I repeated to myself. "My condition seems to be getting worse." I snorted. "But my condition would have to be better sometime." I felt the tears in my eyes, which were grinding to the surface.

Maybe this time I should let them fall. Then maybe I'll feel better. Is that so? Is this what normal people do? Do they cry until they feel better?

"I thought you were joking when you said we could meet here." I heard a rough voice from the door and my head immediately shot in that direction.

Leaning against the door frame, shirtless, was Killian.

"But if you want me to cook something, I'll disappoint you. It's too late." Because of the low light, I wasn't sure if he was smiling, but the tone of his voice made it seem like he was.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough for me to figure out you need company." He walked over to me, with me watching his every move, and sat down next to me. But we had a big enough distance between us to not touch. "I may not be the best candidate, but I'm the only one you'll catch at this hour."

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