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WE ALL SEEM TO SETTLE DOWN playing dogfight football, everyone seems exhausted at this point. The footballs have been long forgotten, and everyone has migrated to Penny's bar.

The sun has begun to set, and I get annoyed at myself because there are no more waves to surf, because the tide has slowly started to creep up the beach.

I begin to load up my stuff into my car, when Bob stops me, "Hey, are you going to the Hard Deck with everybody else?"

I pause for a moment, "Probably not, I don't feel like drinking tonight."

He breaths out in relief, "I didn't want to drink either, but I didn't want to the the only one left out."

"Mhm." I say, closing my trunk after carefully putting in my surfboard. "Do you wanna go do something tonight?"

"Sure?" Bob questions.

"Bob, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You can just go home, you won't hurt my feelings." I lied, because I was a little hurt that he sounded like he didn't want to spend time together in the first place.

"No, Red Bull—"

"Wait, you can call me Scarlett. Or Scar." I said, because I didn't like it when my friends used my call sign sometimes, it felt too impersonal.

"Okay Scarlett," Bob said, my name flowing off his tongue. "I do want to do something tonight with you, I was just surprised you asked me, if I'm being honest."

My eyebrows knit together as I try to piece my confusion together, "Why would you be surprised I asked you?"

"Well, I thought you and Rooster or Hangman would have something planned tonight." Bob says a little quieter, embarrassed at his assumption.

I let out a chuckle, "Not in a million years would be caught dead with those boys. They get on my nerves like no other, and it's not my fault they're in love with me. Besides, I just don't like them like that."

"Really? Don't tell them I told you this, but they both like you." Bob said, taking off his glasses and cleaning them off to distract himself.

I start giggling, and I try to cover my mouth to prevent it from escaping. But then it turns into a full blown laugh, and Bob stares at me like I've just turned into a crazy women.

"Scarlett, are you—"

I hold up a hand to him to show him I'm okay, but I can't stop laughing. I control myself and ask between gasps, "Rooster—and—Hangman? Both—like—me?"

"Yeah they do." Bob says little annoyed.

"That's hilarious," I wiped away tears, "Bob, I don't like either of them, they're not my type. They're too cocky for me." I assured him.

"Good," he mutters a little too loudly, because I've heard him.

"Anyways, do you wanna go see a movie tonight? The new Star Wars looks interesting," I offer.

"Yes! I've been wanting to see that one so bad, but haven't had a chance to." Bob immediately flips a switch, starting to fangirl.

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