Chapter 14

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Wanda pov

The next day, I am able to go back to school. It's different now. Normally the whole pack stands together as we enter. But today, it's just me, Willa, Wynter and Wyatt. As soon as we enter through the doors people come up to me right away, trying to pull me away from Willa, but I stick beside her the entire time.

"How are you feeling?" Eliza asks me.

"I'm better," I reply, "Werewolf healing works amazingly."

"Why are you still with this monster?" Zed questions out of the blue.

"She is not a monster, okay?" I say, "It doesn't matter what has happened, in the past. I still love Willa no matter what, and she will never be a monster."

"Sure," he mumbles, "believe what you want." With that he walks away, probably going to work more on his application for university.

A few days later is the day of the cheer competition. Finally. That's all Addison can talk about and how they're going to win. Willa, Wynter, Wyatt, and I were walking around the auditorium trying to find our seats. We're about to enter the row, when Wynter points out Bucky in the corner of the stage.

"What is he doing?" I question aloud. He seems to be holding some sort of small device. He looks at it intensely before something shoots at him and he gets a confused look before continuing what he was doing.

As we get closer, we hear him repeat the phrase, "What do we have here?"

"What are you doing cuz?" I ask him, as I snatch the device away from him.

"Hey!" he exclaims, that's mine!"

"You'll get it back," Willa assures him, "Let's just call Eliza to see if she can figure out what it is. It seems like something that one of the aliens had." As the Eels are doing their performance, we have Eliza's robot and attach the mind probe to it, so she can see it from her end.

"Now remember," Bucky warns us, as Wyatt attaches it to the robot, "This priceless thingy is mine!"

"So tell me what it is! Now! Now! Now!" he exclaims. I roll my eyes. Bucky can be so annoying sometimes.

"So catty," Wynter remarks, "Clearly not raised by wolves."

"I bet I'm the first intern to ever hack alien tech," Eliza says through the screen, "It's a firewall."

"Let me try my moonstone," Wyatt suggests. He puts it to the device and it makes a trilling sound before it seems to somewhat shut down.

"It worked," Eliza tells us, "It's a mind probe." She then clicks on a file, showing us Bucky's mind, which of course is all about him. She then clicks onto another one, which is apparently Wynter's, and just has a bunch of cats playing around with each other. The next one she opens is Wyatt's. In it there's a lot of Eliza. Hold up, that must mean that he likes her.

"Wyatt?" Eliza questions, "Why does your mind probe have so many memories of me? You have a crush on me?"

He hesitates, before stuttering, "I, uh, I-"

"Enough with this mushy stuff," Willa says butting in, "Find out what the aliens are up to," she demands.

"Hey," I mutter quietly to her, while I take her hand, "It's okay. Calm down." She takes a deep breath as Eliza gets to work.

She pulls up a memory which has an alien with some covering who says, "This is Scout Commander. You must find the most precious thing in Seabrook."

"The aliens lied about their mission!" Wynter yells.

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