His Fangirl | 33

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Lisa's Point of View

After long hours, our meeting ended. I rushed my way to meet Taehyung at the lobby and he really is waiting for me.

He's just there sitting on the bench while our staff members get starstruck at him by the way they look at him.

"Sunbae," I called.

He immediately looked at where I was standing and he smiled.

He walked the distance between us. He is wearing a blue and black-colored checkered.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Just passing by,"

He scratched his head when he knew that I wasn't buying his answer.

"I came to see you." he uttered.

He looked shy. There's nothing to be shocked about, but I was shocked.

"U-uh—for what reason?" I asked.

This is why you never really meet someone you're not close with. Unless it's someone you admire.

It's awkward! And it's not worth it.

After that, I just told him to eat lunch with me just so his time would not really be wasted for nothing.

He asked me if we could take a picture first and I agreed. He seemed nice asking me that one but nervous.

I don't really know what to do since he doesn't even start the conversation. I assume he's nervous to do so, which I understand.

"Lisa, I know this may be absurd and all of a sudden—but.." he said.

He felt really nervous for sure.

"Go on," I encouraged.

He gulped. "I know this is all of a sudden but can I ask you to date?"

I was about to drink a glass of water but gladly I did not! I'd spit it out in his face because of how shocking that was.


"I don't know if what Eunha told me is true or not but I'm shooting my shot," he uttered, looking down and avoiding my eyes. "I feel threatened about Jungkook's presence since you are both in the collaboration. I should've accepted to represent the group if I know it'll be you who would represent your group."

He bit his lip. His hands are shaking, like wild shaking.


"I know it may be overwhelming for you as all of these are all of a sudden happening but I really admire you, Lisa. Ever since and always will be." he explained. "I've had—"

I haven't realized I was zoning out because of how overwhelming these were. I didn't hear what he says next after that as my thoughts just made me think about things.

All I know is I'm getting pressured about this.

"Sunbae, can we call it a day—"

I was interrupted.

"I know Lisa that everything I said shocked you—and I'm not pressuring you." he said.

But I am being pressured.

"Just give me a chance please? One or two dates will do. Just let me shoot a chance? If you think it doesn't work, sure. It doesn't work." he added.

If this isn't being pressured? What is this called?

"I won't force it if it doesn't work." he uttered.

I looked at him and saw how pure he was at that time. But thought of isn't this forcing already?

I mean, forcing a chance? Or am I just misinterpreting things into its horribleness?

Although he looked pure and determined. That is not enough reason for us to date.

People fall into the bare minimum, whether they date someone they don't like or they let people date them because they really like them. The bar is too low.

And I won't go and fit that bar.

I really wanted to tell him that what Eunha told him is not true but that will hurt a lot. Still, I don't want him to get the wrong idea and have false hopes.


I'm a bad decision maker when under pressure. I couldn't think properly.

As much as I wanted to tell him that we couldn't. And I have someone in mind, and not him. My conscience can't handle a crying heart walking away from me.

"Can I think about it first?"

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