Joyous Unions

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Evreux set off to find Ramandu's Island, hoping to see Lilliandil again.

Sending his presence, Lilliandil descended and smiled at him. "I've been hoping to see you again."

Evreux returned her smile. "How would you like to embark on an adventure? There are sights beyond your imagination I can show you."

She laughed. "I'm a star. I've seen quite a few sights."

"Fair enough, but the sea is a sight in itself. Come with me?" He offered his hand.

Lilliandil considered his offer and took his hand. "I'd love to."


Marina strolled up and down the halls as she explored. Though she had seen some of the castle, she had yet to see its entirety.

Caspian walked up behind her and asked, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

Marina whipped around. "Never do that!"

"What, scare you? My apologies. I didn't mean to."

She scoffed lightly. "It's magnificent. From what I've seen I knew such, but it's hard to appreciate beauty when you're running or fighting."

"Or at sea."

"Unlike you, I'm able to appreciate the beauty of the sea no matter what circumstance befalls it."

He smiled at her quip and took a breath. "Marina, we may have had our differences in the past, but I hope there's a future for us. I love you, and I think I have for awhile."

Marina's blue eyes gazed into his brown and a warm, peaceful feeling swelled deep within her. "I think I feel the same."

Caspian moved closer to her and she did the same. The two shared a tender, long-awaited kiss.


Caspian and Evreux stood at the altar, awaiting their brides.

An orchestra began and Marina and Lilliandil walked down the aisle.

The King and the first mate watched in awe as their future brides walked down the aisle.

The priest smiled at the couples, then the crowd. "We are gathered here today for not only one, but two unions of holy matrimony. Caspian. Do you take Marina to be your wife?"

Caspian smiled. "I do."

"Marina. Do you take Caspian to be your husband?"

"I do," she replied, smiling at the man she'd grown to love.

"Evreux, do you take Lilliandil to be your wife?"

Evreux nodded. "I do."

"Lilliandil. Do you take Evreux to be your husband?"

Lilliandil smiled at the man she adored. "I do."

"Evreux, Caspian. Do you both promise to love Lilliandil and Marina in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"

Without taking their eyes off their brides, they replied, "I do."

"Lilliandil, Marina. Do you both promise to love Evreux and Caspian in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"

Marina and Lilliandil smiled. "I do."

"You may speak your vows. Marina and Caspian, you'll go first. Caspian, if you will."

Caspian met Marina's eyes and smiled. "We've had a difficult road to where we are now. Though, I have heard it said that the greatest love stories start off as enemies. Never in my life did I dream I'd find you. And, I suppose if being technical, you found me. It's been quite the journey, but I'm honoured to be standing before you here today." He slipped the ring on her finger. "With this ring I thee wed."

Marina glanced at the ring, then at Caspian. "When I first met you, I was fuelled by such a rage that I never thought I could escape from. But once I found out the truth, you showed me how to forgive, and for that I am forever grateful. We've had an uneasy journey to get to this moment, but here and now is something I wouldn't trade for the world." She slipped the ring on his finger. "With this ring I thee wed."

The priest smiled and looked between Lilliandil and Evreux. "If you will. Evreux, you may speak your vows."

Evreux smiled at Lilliandil. "Love at first sight is only a fairy tale, but dare I say fairy tales are true when it comes to you. I wasn't looking for love when a group of us came to your father's island. But when you descended upon us, for the first time, I thought it possible. And as the journey continued, I found myself hoping I would survive so I could see you again. By Aslan's grace, we survived and as soon as I was able, I sought out a life that I'd only dreamed of. You're my dream, my dear, and I'm thrilled to be starting this journey with you." He slipped the ring on her finger. "With this ring I thee wed."

Lilliandil blinked away her tears. "For years I was alone on that island with few for company. But when a group of Narnians and Sons of Adam and a Daughter of Eve came to my father's island, I saw a future in you. Days passed and I hoped you would return and we could become friends and perhaps more. When you returned to the island, that hope of a future filled my thoughts more and more each passing day. I can't wait to see what our future holds." She slipped the ring on his finger. "With this ring I thee wed."

The priest looked between them. "I now pronounce you man and wife. Evreux, Caspian, you may kiss your brides."

Evreux and Caspian did so and the crowd erupted in a cheer heard for miles in each direction.

Eventually, two children would be born. To Caspian and Marina, a little girl. And to Evreux and Lilliandil, a little boy.

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