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"So who is she?"

I could tell Danica had been itching to grill me since the second I'd walked in the door. We made it through dinner and she and her husband, Justin, showing me the nursery for my soon-to-be granddaughter without any uncomfortable questions. But I could see her practically bouncing in anticipation. I started plotting how to make my escape before she got the chance, but there was no way. Monday was always family dinner night, and leaving before ten wouldn't be happening. Especially since the only person that had to go to work was Justin and that wasn't until noon.

The second we settled around their fire pit on the back patio, drinks in hand, all bets were off. Danica was ready to dive in.

I took a long drink of the hipster IPA in my hand. Justin and his friends owned a brewery. We actually sold their stuff at the restaurant, but I'd never tried it. Wasn't really a beer guy, but they didn't keep any scotch in their house, so I settled.

"It was our second date," I stated. "I'm not ready to talk about this yet."

Danica rolled her eyes, the same dark green as her mother's. "Dad, come on. Holly already called me."

I scoffed as I took another swig. "Of course, she did."

"She said she looked... young."


Danica whined as she sank back in the patio loveseat. "Dad, come on. Give me something, please? Being pregnant and stuck at home is boring as hell. I need some gossip."

I chuckled. "My dating life isn't exactly gossip worthy, kid."

"What happened with Holly? I thought things were going well."

I blew out a huff of a laugh. "I don't know about going well. We went out a few times." I swallowed and shook my head. "Holly took things a bit more seriously than I was ready for."

"Did you sleep with her?"

"Jesus Christ, Dani!" Justin exclaimed. "That's your DAD!"

"I am NOT answering that," I stated, laughing uncomfortably. "Nope."

"That's a yes," Danica continued.

"Dani, I'm not talking about my sex life with my kid. I don't talk about my sex life with anyone. Definitely not with you. Ain't happening."

"So tell me about your new girl instead."

I narrowed my eyes on my mischievous daughter and got the exact same look back. Dean looked like the perfect mix of Gwen and I. Danica, on the other hand, was all me, except for those emerald eyes. "That your plan, huh? Make me uncomfortable until I lose my will to live and give you what you're after?"

"Is it working?"


"Daddy," Danica whined. "Just tell me her name."

"Her name is Madeline."

"Where'd you meet her?"

"At a bar," I answered. It wasn't a total lie. The strip club HAD a bar. Just didn't specify the location.

"Do you like her?"

"Of course, I do," I chuckled. "Wouldn't have taken her on a date if I didn't."

"Are you falling for her?"

"Kiddo, it's been like three days. Let me get a bit more time in before you go deep diving, huh?"

"Is she pretty?"

I smirked as I lifted the beer bottle to my lips, picturing Maddie's big doe eyes, the soft curve of her features. The little dimples she got when she grinned. "She's... one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen."

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