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"I can't do this anymore, Minho."

"I can't keep pretending that I'm happy and nothing is wrong, when really it's all fake. I mean, how do you do it? How can you just keep lying to me and you and everyone else day after day? Doesn't it exhaust you? You can't just expect me to ignore that everything is different between us now. You don't love me anymore, I've seen it. That happens with time. Things change and life goes on. So even though it kills me because I'm still totally and completely in love with you, I just have to learn to move on."

"What are you saying, Jisung?"

"I'm saying that we're over. Goodbye, Minho."

"Wait, Ji-"

Pausing to get a drink, the rapper got his fill before laying back down on the dancer's lap, using his thighs as a pillow.

"How are things in the fanfiction world?" Minho murmured, his eyes on his own device. 

"Awful." Jisung sniffled. "You don't treat me right and I'm suffering."

After working hard for weeks on end, the couple finally got a well deserved lazy weekend. They had learned from their past mistakes, so they were spending today in private. More specifically, the roof. They had actually gotten permission this time, so it was guaranteed there would be no interruptions.  

Minho chuckled, moving his hand to play with the younger's hair. "I'm sorry, Ji. I don't know why you read those things anyway." 

"They're entertaining, Minho." Turning to look his love in the eye, Jisung furrowed his brow. "They help me connect with the fans, get an insight into their colorful minds." 

Speaking of fans, they were back to absolutely adoring the rapper. For a while they had tried to figure out the identity of his mystery woman, but it had been months now. Other news and scandals had come up, and as time went on, people forgot. 

That left Minho and Jisung, who were still able to live a happy couple's life, but a bit different. They could go out together, but couldn't get too close or touchy. Luckily for them, they're flexible. They just learned to appreciate their time together and find ways to get around without people finding out. 

It was a sort of game, a secret espionage. Although there were challenges, as there were in any relationship, they were happy. So very happy. 

"Well as long as you like the stories, they're alright with me." Minho gave the boy using him as his own personal pillow a smile.

Jisung's next words surprised the Lee and anyone else who would hear them. "I've actually been thinking about stopping. Kicking the habit, you know?"

"Why?" Minho felt bad. He didn't want Jisung to stop the things that he enjoyed just because the dancer didn't understand them. "I thought you loved them."

"Well I do, but I realized that I don't need some silly stories about love written by people I've never met to feel all fuzzy inside." Jisung set down his phone, sitting up to meet Minho's eyes. "I have you, and you're all I'll ever need."

Gaze traveling around the rapper's face, Minho met his eyes for a moment before moving slightly down. "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Jisung whispered, Minho was close enough that he could probably hear the rapper's heart. "And if I'm not reading, that just means I'll get to spend more time with you."

Jisung wasn't surprised in the slightest when Minho closed the gap between them, he had been patiently waiting for it. It never failed to amaze the rapper how the Lee's lips against his own was such a familiar feeling, but he could never get tired of it. 

Not just the lips, but the man himself. The way that Minho knew every little thing about him, was amazing to him every time he noticed it. The Lee knew how to comfort Jisung, how he liked his hot cocoa made, how he preferred to sleep with the windows open at night, how he liked to be kissed and every other possible fact imaginable. Minho really was the perfect man, the rapper knew that well.

So yes, Jisung was ditching fanfiction.

There was something much better to be addicted to.

the end 

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