Chapter 38

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Berry hesitated for a moment before he opened the door and stepped into his boss's office. His boss was standing by the floor to ceiling windows, slowly sipping on his wine.

Berry sneered at his back. The man was a damn sociopath and a psychopath wrapped in one.

He loved to stand at those floor to ceiling windows, staring at the night view of the city with his hawk eyes, declaring that soon he was going to own the city of Madrid along with everyone in it.

A bead of sweat appeared on Berry's forehead. The pay was damn good but he was scared of the man.

His boss's behavior turned on and off like some invisible button and Berry never knew what mood he will find him in.

The file in his hand trembled. What he was about to show him was going to make him pissed as hell

"How long are you going to stand there like some mute?"

His boss's voice penetrated his thoughts, bringing him back to reality.

"Sir, our spy.... in Rafael's mansion... gave me the latest news," he stuttered.

"Tell me something l don't know," he spat out in a threatening voice.

"Rafael Ramirez and Paula Solano have.....ummm been spending some quality time together."

His boss turned away from the windows to throw him a menacing glare.

"Elaborate!," he snapped.

"They ummm...."

"Berry, you are pissing me off. You know what happens when l am pissed off?"

"They have been sleeping together for a week now," berry rushed out the words.

A murderous glint entered his boss's eyes. Berry found himself swallowing hard. There was just something evil about the man.

His boss held out one hand and he cautiously steeped forward and placed the thin file on his outstretched hand.

Berry watched him browse through the pinned photos with rushed hands. The man's face turned into stone. Berry could practically see smoke coming out of his ears. That's how furious he was.

He threw the wine glass on the nearest wall with an outraged cry before glancing at Berry with one of his intimidating glares.

"I think it's time we use our last trump card. Rafael was supposed to hate her for hiding away his daughter not this," he growled.


Paula was walking down the sidewalk absentminded when a man dressed like a bodyguard in a black suit stepped in her path.

She looked up at him in confusion.

"Miss Solano, my boss wish to speak with you," he said gesturing to a sleek black BMW car parked on the curb.

Paula glanced at the shiny expensive car, a frown on her face. It was definitely not Rafael or Leandro's car.

The passenger door of the BMW suddenly opened to reveal a woman in her early fifties. Paula gasped out loud.

It was like staring at her daughter's older version.

The expensively dressed and elegant woman was Rafael's mother. She had heard Hazel talk about her sister's beauty and how every boy in their neighborhood wanted her when they were growing up.

Looking at her, Paula had to admit they were right. Age had not managed to dim her beauty. Instead it had enhanced it.

The woman smiled pleasantly at her.

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