Chapter 1

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The date is July 16, 1932. The woods was such a lovely place to be in. No distractions. No noise. Just the lovely breeze and scent of the trees. You were having a wonderful time. The sun was beginning to set, signaling that your next meal was just outside of the woods. Beyond the trees was the beautiful city, New Orleans. Although it has seen better days, you smiled at the fact that people were suffering and struggling to make a living. The beginning of The Great Depression was the perfect time for the little voices in your head to take over. Your prey was small children out too late past their curfew.
The view of trees was beginning to disappear as it was exchanged for the city. Crumbling old buildings took over your vision. The streets and alleyways were filled with the poor and less fortunate folk.
"Hello Ms. Y/L/N!" Said an awfully cheery woman. The woman was Viviane Thomas. She was kicked out of her home once she lost her job. Before then, she worked at a marvelous Cafe that you would visit daily. You were convinced that it sold the best coffee in the world.
"Hello, Viviane! Wonderful day, is it not?" You replied.
"I-if you say so!" She waved as you walked past her. Bringing your attention back to the streets, you noticed a young boy selling newspapers. You smiled to yourself while plastering on a fake worried look. You walked quickly to the boy, acting as distressed as you could.
"Hello, young man. Would you mind assisting me?"
"Oh, u-um yes ma'am. What do you need?" He asked.
"Well, my oven seems to be having problems. I don't really know what happened. Do you think you could help take a look? I'll pay you."
The boy's eyes seemed to light up after you said that. He agreed to help as much as he could and you thanked him with a smile. You led him to the woods. As you walked in, you checked that the dagger you kept inside your jacket was still there. The walk to your house was only a few minutes so you kept a close eye on your surroundings. The boy seemed to grow uneasy the darker the sky turned and the farther the walk into the woods was. You smiled at him and he seemed to relax a little bit. Your house could be seen down the path. Its rustic cottage exterior was enough to make anyone feel safe. You opened the door for the boy and he stepped in. Your home was beautifully decorated with fur rugs on top of hardwood floors, pictures of past events on the walls, and vintage furniture. You led the boy to the kitchen where your fun for the night would begin.


The boy turned into a wonderful gumbo. Your feast ended and you heard the door of your house open.
"Y/N? Are you home?" It was the voice of your best friend, Sara.
"I'm in here!" You yelled. She came in and quickly notice the fresh blood dripping down the walls.
"Well, I see you've had an eventful evening." She said sarcastically.
"Why yes indeed. Needed a new strategy for tonight. Ran out of sweets."
"You ran out of sweets? Never thought I'd hear that." Sara joked. You gave her a quick, unnoticed glare. "Well, I just came to make sure you didn't get caught. I haven't heard from you in some time." She looked nervous. Almost guilty.
"What I do is dangerous. Can't get you mixed up in my sins." You crossed your arms and closed your eyes. Police were starting to get close to you. They've named a few suspects in the paper. All were soon killed by another known murderer in the city. The thought of Sara getting interrogated by the police would not only end in her death but possibly yours if she talked.
"Well, it's getting dark. I'll be heading out before I get lost in the woods." Sara came up to you and hugged you goodbye. You hugged her back and walked her to the door.
"Safe travels, my friend." You waved her off and close the door, locking it. You decided it was time for bed and went upstairs to take a shower. After, you slipped into a white silk nightgown. You flopped onto your bed, feeling the nice cold sheets instantly warm up from your body heat. You looked up at the ceiling, eyes heavy from drowsiness. Soon, you fell fast asleep, dreaming about what the next day would bring.

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