7. dread

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I stayed silent as I followed after Matt and Emily as we made our way to the cable car station. Emily had insisted we stop here first. I told her it was useless but she wasn't letting down. Every step I took felt heavy and overwhelming. I just wanted to lay down in the snow and never move ever again. Josh was dead. He was torn apart in front of me; I was covered in his fucking blood. I brought a hand to my cheek and felt the wet, sticky blood on my fingers. I shivered. My tears felt cold on my face from the harsh cold air.

We past the gate before anyone spoke up. "I can't believe Josh is dead." Emily said breathlessly. 

"I can't believe how he died." Matt replied. Emily turned to look at me. "(Y/N), are you sure?" "Sure of what?" "That he's actually dead. Like maybe we should have checked before we left." I looked at her with disbelief. "What? Emily, are you serious?" She shrugged. I grabbed Emily's hand and put it on my jacket. She pulled back in disgust. "Aw (Y/N) what the fuck?!" "Does that feel fucking fake to you?! Does it?!" "No, God. Forget I even said it," she scoffed before turning back towards the trail. Matt shot me an apologetic look. I nodded at him. 

'At least Matt has my back. I think.'

We approached the cable car station door and were suprised to find an axe lodged into the door. Matt grabbed it and pulled it out while Emily attempted to open the door. "Damn it! It's locked. Matt, break the door down, would you?" "Em, I feel like making a bunch of noise by smashing the door in is the last thing we want to do." I looked around for another way in before I set my sights on a partly open window. "What about that?" I asked, not looking away from it. "I mean yeah, I think it could work. Are you gonna be able to fit through that?" "Matt, I was forced to suck in for years because of cheer, I think I got this." I said as an attempt at sarcasm. "Uh, alright." I stepped onto the bench below the window and pushed it open as far as it could go. "Fuck, it's stuck." I sighed before jumping up into the window, my upper half now sticking out inside the station. I kicked my leg over the sill and successfully made it inside. "Alright," I exhaled.

I walked over the door, and with a little resistance, I opened it. Matt and Emily walked past me, Emily making sure to shoulder check me. "On accident" of course. I flicked the light switch on. The three of us analyzed the scene before us. The station was a wreck. Suitcases, ski gear, and other things were scattered across the floor and a bookshelf was tilted over against a wall. The word 'DIE' had been painted all over the station walls, some overlapping each other. "What the fuck happened? I was here only a few hours ago." "What the fuck is going on?!" Emily covered her mouth. "This is him." I said shakily. "Is who (Y/N)?" 

"The maniac that killed Josh. He's gotta know this is the only way back." 

"No, don't say that!" "It's true Emily. Look," I pointed at the cable car. "It's all the way over there. And I highly doubt this guy is just going to hand us the keys and tell us to have a nice trip. No." I looked around for something else that could help us. "Well, can you jump it?" "I'm good Matt, but not that good. Thanks though." "What are we gonna do?!" I turned to Emily. "I told you we should have gone to the fucking fire tower." I said harshly. Emily grumbled under her breath as we left the station.

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