iv. things got even better when we met you

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"So, your family are all vampires too?" Elizabeth asked as Rosalie pulled into a driveway of a house in the woods. Emmett nodded. "Yes, we're all vampires." Elizabeth nodded. "Interesting." She stepped out of the car and looked up at the house in awe. "Holy shit. You guys are rich." She said. "Carlisle's been a doctor for many centuries." Rosalie told her, leading her into the house. "Honestly, I might stay with you only for the money, not because of the whole soulmate thing." Elizabeth joked. A giggle was heard from the staircase. Elizabeth turned to face the only person that giggle could belong to.

"Alice." Elizabeth said. Alice jumped down the stairs and brought Elizabeth into a hug. "I knew they were gonna tell you. I saw it." Alice said. "Saw it?" Elizabeth questioned. "Alice can see the future." Carlisle said, coming into the room. "Doctor Cullen." Elizabeth greeted. "Please, call me Carlisle." Elizabeth nodded with a smile on her face. "Carlisle is our father for all intents and purposes. And this is our mother, Esme." Emmett said, gesturing to the caramel haired woman who came into the room and stood next to Carlisle.

"Welcome to the family, Elizabeth." Esme said, hugging the blonde girl. "Thank you." Jasper walked into the room. "Elizabeth." He said, nodding at her. "I'm assuming your idiot brother is not here." Elizabeth said. "Well, you assumed wrong." Edward said, walking into the room. "Spoke too soon." Elizabeth whispered. Everyone laughed, hearing her due to their enhanced hearing. "And please, keep your disgusting thoughts to yourself." Elizabeth blushed as Rosalie and Emmett turned to her. She smirked before turning her thoughts to some not so nice ones about Edward.

"Listen, asshole, I don't appreciate the way you're treating my sister. She may be annoying at times, but you're just taking it too far and being a complete dick. You may be a vampire, but you better give it up before I kick your ass." Elizabeth threatened. Emmett whistled as Edward rolled his eyes. "I'm going hunting." The brunette man said before running out of the house in a blur. "Our mate's a badass." Emmett said to Rosalie who smiled and shook her head. "We're going upstairs." She said, super speeding Elizabeth upstairs. "Woah." Elizabeth, steadying herself on her feet. "Surprisingly, that's not as bad as the morning sickness."

Emmett opened the door to a bedroom. "Welcome to our room." Rosalie said. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, looking at the bed. "I thought vampires didn't sleep." She said. "It's for... other activities." Emmett said. "Oh." Elizabeth blushed before feeling a rush of air and suddenly she was lying on her back on the bed with Emmett above her. "Well, hello." She said. "Hello." Emmett flirted, before beginning to tickle Elizabeth's sides. She started giggling before she felt another pair of hands against her. Rosalie and Emmett stopped tickling her. Elizabeth looked at Rosalie and they both started leaning in.

Their lips collided and Rosalie moved so that she was on top of Elizabeth and so that Elizabeth was pressed further into the bed. There was a sudden movement before Elizabeth was in Emmett's lap as he pressed his lips to hers. He squeezed her sides as his tongue swiped across her bottom lip. Elizabeth abruptly pulled away. "Stop. Stop. Stop." She said, running a hand through her hair. "What's wrong?" Rosalie asked. "After Landon, I don't wanna take that risk again." Elizabeth said. Emmett shook his head. "It's not possible." He said. "I still don't wanna risk anything." "That's okay. We can just lay here if you want." Emmett said, moving so that Elizabeth's back was against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Can we know more about Landon, if that's okay?" Rosalie asked, laying down and turning to face them. Elizabeth nodded. "Well, I was fifteen, and I was dating this guy, and I decided to lose my virginity to him. I was on birth control so we didn't bother to use protection. The birth control failed and I found out I was pregnant three weeks later." She explained. "Is his father still around?" Rosalie asked. Elizabeth shook her head. "He walked out the minute I told him I was pregnant." She said. "Good riddance. He would've been a shit dad." 

Rosalie giggled. Elizabeth turned to face her. "How did you guys get turned into vampires?" She asked. Rosalie's smile faltered a bit. "If you're comfortable telling me of course." Elizabeth quickly added. "Of course. You're my mate. You should know my story." Rosalie said. "I was born in 1915, in Rochester. I was turned in 1933. I was engaged to a man, the richest man in the town, actually. I was walking home from my friend's alone one night, when him and his drunk friends assaulted and raped me, leaving me in the streets for dead. Carlisle found me. He could smell my blood." Rosalie explained. Elizabeth's eyes welled up with tears before she brought her mate into a hug.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Rose." She said. "It's okay. I got my revenge. And things got better after I found this one getting mauled by a bear. I carried him home to Carlisle who changed him." Rosalie further explained. "Things got even better when we met you." Emmett added. Elizabeth blushed and giggled. She looked over to see a picture from yesterday on the bedside table. She reached across Emmett to grab it. "When did you take this?" She asked him. It was a picture of Elizabeth and Rosalie crouched down by the bathtub while Landon was in the bath. "Yesterday." Emmett responded. "Obviously."


Elizabeth opened the door to her house to see Landon on his playmat in the living room while Charlie watched baseball. "Hey, Dad." Elizabeth said as Emmett closed the door behind them. "Hey, pumpkin." Charlie said, turning the tv off. "Mommy!" Landon exclaimed jumping up and running towards his mom. Elizabeth leaned down and picked him up. "Hi, baby." She said, kissing him on the cheek. She noticed Landon was looking over her should at Rosalie. "Mama." He said. Rosalie's eyes widened before she took Landon out of Elizabeth's arms with a smile.

"Come on, mama." Elizabeth said, leading Rosalie upstairs and to her room. Emmett stayed behind to talk to Charlie. Rosalie placed Landon down with his toys before she turned to Elizabeth. She brought the shorter girl into a hug. "Thank you." She whispered. "For giving me something I never had. The chance to be a mom." Elizabeth didn't say anything and just held on tight to Rosalie. Emmett walked into the room. He grabbed onto Elizabeth's hips. "So, I just asked your dad for permission to ask you to officially be our girlfriend. What do you say?" He asked. Elizabeth leaned in. "Yes." She whispered against his lips.


A knock was heard on Elizabeth's room later that evening. "It's your sister." Rosalie commented. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and walked to the door. She opened it before stepping outside. She crossed her arms after she closed the door behind her. "Yes?" "I'm really sorry about the way I acted earlier. I was just jealous that you're getting attention from the Cullens." Bella said, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Mhm." "And I was wondering if you wanted to come to Port Angeles with me tomorrow? I wanna check out a book store there."

Elizabeth sighed and uncrossed her arms. "You know I can't stay mad at you for long. Sure." She said. "Really?" Bella exclaimed. "Yes. Now, I have to get back to my boyfriend and my girlfriend." Elizabeth said. "No way. Shut up!" Bella said. "You're dating them?" Elizabeth nodded, a smile appearing on her face. "I'm happy for you." Bella said. "Thank you. Goodnight." She said, walking back into her room. "I don't like her." "Rose!"

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