Book 1: A Girl in Another World - Chapter 17

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It was an hour later when the butler returned and Aldric, along with Vincent and Theo, were escorted to meet Lord Bedford in the drawing room. Aldric thought the man was a nervous wreck, pacing back and forth and sweating profusely like a pig ready for slaughter.

"Lord Norsewood." He scurried over, then bowed the moment Aldric was at the door. "I sincerely apologize for the wait. Your arrival was... very unexpected before the due date. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable."

Aldric, Vincent, and Theo strolled in, and Aldric sat down on the sofa while Vincent and Theo stood behind him.

Aldric flicked his gaze across the room, noticing it was not only Lord Bedford who was present, but the lady of the manor, too, along with two young men in their early twenties. He suspected the woman was Lady Katherine Bedford and the two young men Lord Bedford's sons Austin and Charles.

"May I introduce my family," Lord Bedford said. He raised his hand toward Lady Bedford. "My wife, Katherine Bedford." He turned to the two young men. "My sons, Austin and Charles."

Lady Bedford stiffly bowed. "My lord."

Aldric gave her a slight nod of his head in return.

Lord Bedford took his seat next to his wife on the sofa. Then, as if exhausted, he wiped his forehead with the sleeves of his shirt. He said, "Now then, a spot of tea perhaps?"

Aldric said, "No." After all, he had had enough of bland tea. Now, if it was that dark drink Quinn had given them, that was a different story. He continued. "Perhaps we can get straight to business, Lord Bedford."

"Uh, yes, of course, my lord," Lord Bedford said.

Aldric said, "I take it you've received, read, and understood the missive King Henry sent you?"

Lord Bedford nodded. "Uh, yes, indeed, my lord."

"I take it there is no objection on your part?" Aldric asked. He needed to be sure there was no misunderstanding or objection. Considering his infamous reputation, he didn't want a reluctant bride being forced into this marriage against her will.

Lord Bedford shook his head vigorously. "No, there's no objection at all, my lord."

Vincent tilted his head to one side. "No objection, eh?" He chuckled, looking around the room with interest. "Then where's the bride? I don't see her here."

At that, Lord and Lady Bedford glanced at each other, and Lord Bedford said, "That, uh, you'll meet her tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Aldric raised a brow. "Lord Bedford, I was hoping to meet my bride today. In fact, I have plans to leave as soon as my bride and I take our vows, and that is tomorrow."

"Such haste, my lord?" Lady Bedford asked.

"I plan to return to Norsewood before winter sets in, my lady, and I have no patience for delays."

"I see," Lady Bedford said.

"I assume then that a wedding ceremony tomorrow is acceptable?"

Lord Bedford nodded his head furiously again. "Indeed, my lord. In fact, the earlier, the better." He turned to Lady Bedford. "Isn't that right, my dear?"

"Indeed," Lady Bedford said.

Vincent asked, his eyes twinkling, "May I ask which of your lovely daughters is the lucky woman. Lady Calla or Lady Iris?"

Lucky? Who'd consider marrying a man who murdered his late wife lucky? Lady Bedford thought. Despite Lord Norsewood's obvious good looks that even she herself admired and couldn't seem to tear her gaze away, the man was still a monster, nonetheless.

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