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Author Notes;

It's 7k+ words this time!

This is for yesterday.

Thank you!

You all have been, so far, nothing but nice.

The dizziness is gone.

My wrist only throbs sometimes.

Mostly, left wrist.

But, it was better than yesterday.



The words disappeared, and the screen became white again.

The section B focused on the huge screen at the front.

That is the only way for them to escape from doom.

They had firsthand received the strength of the indomitable alliance.

And, you are saying that it is not their full strength?

The nobles who have prepared and decided to hide at some corners to avoid the wars panicked.

But, they still have some hopes left in their hearts.

Didn't we place those heroes on high pedals and didn't they enjoy the fame because of them?

So, shouldn't they repay their grace?

They gradually relaxed.

It doesn't matter. There are people who would take care of that.

A noble who was thinking like that met eyes with his neighbor.

He knew that that noble thought the same as him.

They sneered in contempt.

Those heroes didn't know the meaning of heroes. They were young and all of that rushed into their head.

But, they didn't realize that they didn't know the full meaning of 'hero' either.

*Alberu realized that their hands have gained more freedom and there was a pan and papers on the armrest.

*Alberu held them and prepared to record the precious information as he waited.

Muller watched curiously as the small beings? People? Elves? With wings flew in front of the big screen.

Raon, On, and Hong can't take their eyes off them.

Lock, Maes, and wolf children wondered who or what kind of being they are.

Anyone without an enhanced vision can only see small blurs. Their palms can surely serve as their seats. They are just that small.

Their wings attract more attention than themselves.

It was like diamonds or gems were embedded in it.

Mary thought that they resemble the night sky filled with stars. She was reminded of the time Raon-nim showed her the night sky in the Forest of Darkness.

It was dazzling.


One of the little elves spoke.

Unlike, their appearance, their voice was loud and reached all the beings.

It was the small elf with blonde hair.

"We are the fairy race!"

The elf, no, the fairy with red hair pushed the grumpy blonde fairy to the side and shouted with a lively voice.

Nothing, just simping for Cale (TCF reaction fic)Where stories live. Discover now