Chapter 1

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I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock the second it went off. My body had gotten used to waking up just before it so it wouldn't wake up my dad.

Today was the first day of my senior year, and although I hated school, it was better than being here.

I turned on the shower and got in once the water was boiling hot. A shower was only good when the water left your skin a little red after.

I scrubbed my body, being careful of the bruises littering my torso. They were still fairly new and hurt to the touch. But I didn't mind the pain so much anymore. I'd gotten used to it by now.

What bothered me was the nasty marks all over me. The black and blue splotches were so ugly and I was ashamed of them. I couldn't wear short sleeves or a crop top; every inch of my body had to be covered. And it was my own damn fault.

Turning off the shower, I got a towel and dried off quickly before throwing on a hoody and some sweatpants.

I braided back my still wet hair and grabbed my backpack. It was only seven and school didn't start for another hour and a half, but if I left now, I wouldn't have to see my dad.

The decision was easy for me.

I snuck quietly down the stairs, avoiding the spots I knew would creak. Once I was safely downstairs, I slid out the front door, briefly passing my dad who was passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in hand.

Once out of the house, I felt like I could breathe again.

That is, until I saw the motorcycle parked in the driveway next door.

No one had been in that house in years. The Brooks' never sold it when they moved.

Were they back?

Was...Bradley back?

I hurried down the sidewalk, not waiting to see if my worst nightmare had come true. Bradley Brooks could not be back.

I wouldn't be able to face him like this.

My heart started to race and my breathing turned ragged as a panic attack started to come on.

I stopped by the park and took a seat on the bench. My fingers gripped the wood so hard my knuckles turned white as I tried to calm myself down.

Slowly but surely, my breathing turned back to normal and my fingers released their death grip on the bench.

I stood up on shaky legs and checked the time on my phone. It was eight o'clock! I'd spent almost an hour on that bench? Shit!

I started walking as fast as I could towards the school. I could not be late. The school would call my dad and that'd give him yet another reason to be angry with me. Shit, shit, shit.

I was early! What happened?

Suddenly, a motorcycle flew past me and even through the helmet I could tell who was on it.

Bradley Brooks.

I was quickly on my way to a panic attack, but I took the adrenaline it gave me and forced myself to run the rest of the way to school. It was hot out and I was wearing a hoody, so by the time I got there I was a sweaty mess, but I made it in time to get my schedule and go to home room.

I rushed through the hallway and made it to my home room just in time. I hurriedly took the empty seat in the back and waited for the teacher to say something.

The old man called role and gave us forms for our parents to sign. I hated when they gave us those. Still, I shoved them into my bag and stood up to leave.

My locker was nearby and I decided to drop off some of my books to lighten the load on my back.

I had just gotten the door open when someone called my name.

My blood chilled as I turned to face Bradley Brooks.

"What do you want?" I asked. I tried to sound tough, but the question came out weak and shy. I sounded so stupid.

"Just came to say hi to my favorite neighbor."

I put my books in my locker and swung my bag over the shoulder.

"Hi," I said and turned to leave. I took a step, but a hand grabbed my shoulder, holding me back.

I let out a pathetic squeal and shrugged out of Bradley's hold. He probably thought I was a lunatic.

"What is wrong with you?" Bradley asked, a disgusted look on his face.

Yup, he was just like everyone else. Maybe even worse.

I didn't bother to respond as I turned and walked away.

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