Ship fluff

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So I saw a comment from @Cosmic-dragon that said Lynxter, and I know it is not a dare but I'm going to make a fluffy chapter out of it so enjoy! Oh and I might have traced art, it's not mine, and I'd like to say well done to all the original artists.

in the boy's bedroom, Winter is awake before sunrise

Winter: Lynx is hear with me, how am I supposed to keep my 'cool, calm and collected mystique' with the love of my life around. Wait a minute, when did Lynx become the love of my life?... since I met her. Quibli has Moon, Kinkajou has Turtle, and hopefully, soon I'll have Lynx to love.

Treefrog: *bangs on a gong inside the door and Macaw hits the one in the girl's room which is down another hall* up boys!

Turtle: urgh- I mean good morning sir

Winter: *pretends to wake up* good morning sir

Treefrog: Macaw clapped up a buffet, there's some... meat *winces* for... carnivores *winces*and fruit!

Spidermonkey: okay! *flies own from a sleep nook in the wall*

At breakfast

Lynx: so, Macaw, how did you get so much space here?

Macaw: clapped

Winter: so, how did you meet Macaw Treefrog?

Treefrog: well I was looking for a rare animal and the Queen ordered Macaw to help me because she is a great stalker. We got distracted talking and saw each other till we found out Macaw was with eggs, we told the queen we wanted to keep them so she let us build our home here where the rainforest meets the sea

Lynxter: Wow

*lynxter look at each other and blush*

Moon: *whispers to Kinkajou* update portable Lynxter file, code aquamarine

Kinkajou: *whispering* they're both desperately in love but is unsure about the other one?... we'll fix that

*mint slithers in, but the visitors don't know it's mint because she changed colour and is now indigo* I don't think any snakes change colour in real life but Mint can because of claps

Winter: *hugs Lynx who is next to him an whispers* if that thing kills us, I need you to know-

*Lynx kisses him* 

Lynx: please tell me you were about to say in love

Winter: yes, but I will protect you from that snake if it's the last thing I do

Kinkajou: it's sailed, and now I can die happy when the snakes kill me

*the snake slides up and twines around Jaguar's horns then turns green again*

Lynx: oh. Mint changes colour?

Jaguar: Ocelot and I did It so she could be like us

*three more snakes comes in and heads toward Jaguar*

Winter: more pets?

Jaguar: (calmly) no, these are wild snakes *she bends down so the snakes can twine around her neck and legs and they all start changing colours* Oh! It's Mint's siblings, Cherry (red), Plum (purple) and Lemon (yellow) 

Lechwe: wow, you're so cool *wraps talon around snout and blushes*

Jaguar: *is not fully paying attention but blushes a bit*

Sloth: the gene stands!

Lechwe: what gene?

Sloth: our family is known to have all have married their first crush

Treefrog: nice to meet your future husband

Jaguar: *looks up from where she's playing with the snakes* huh?

Macaw: you chose well

Jaguar: wha?

Macaw: your future husband

Jaguar: * turns pink embarrassed and Runs out*

Lechwe:  *passes out*

Leopard: so... can we future clap?

Macaw: yes! *claps and are transported to the future and Lechwe is awake and Jaguar is there too*

(First snap)

*F Jaguar is standing by the door of her sleeping cave, she's grown slender and elegant looking*

Jaguar: why do I look so nervous?

F Jaguar: are you sure this dress is good? (It's a flowing purple dress that looks very pretty and starts just behind her front arms)

F Moon: *she's wearing a medium length blue dress with a pearl necklace and belt* yes, you look like a purple hibiscus

*someone knock on the door*

F Kinkajou: I'll get it *opens door and Lechwe is standing there, in a tuxedo top, it has slits for his wings and ends behind his wings, Turtle and Quibli are wearing the same thing*

*Lechwe grew to look like Clay, Quibli is More muscular with long legs and turtle is skinner with a longer neck*

Quibli: hello ladies

Moon: hello my big brave Scar snouted hero

Turtle: can I see Kinkajou?

Kinkajou: I'd hug you but the dress is not really built for jumping up in *she's wearing a short yellow sequence dress, she has grown to her Resting colours being a dimmer yellow with curious blue underbelly and pink wings and pattern*  

Jaguar: Lechwe, you bought a necklace!

Lechwe: *drapes a necklace with gold beads and a purple crystal over her head* let's go to prom

(Second snap)

*they are all still older, Moon and Quibli walk down the isle followed by Kinkajou and Turtle, then Winter and Lynx and then once they've taken their place near where Lechwe is standing*

Preist(Clay): all rise for the bride!

*Jaguar walks down the isle with a long white dress with hints of purple in the long flowing part*

(Lahtargh, after the vows and blah blah blah)

Clay: you may now kiss the bride

(Third snap) 

F Jaguar: Lechwe? Where are you?

F Lechwe:  *walks in*right here!

F Jaguar: *come over and twines her tail and he wraps a large wing around her, she nuzzles him* I have very good news

F Lechwe: what?

F Jaguar: I'm having eggs

F Lechwe: *lifts her up and spins them around then pits her down* yes! Have you told our Friends?

*knock on door*

Jaguar: that's them!

*the door opens to their friends standing with gifts except for Moon and Lynx who are also pregnant*

Quibli: hey! Congratulations!

Lechwe: thanks

(Back to present with The ships all magically right next to each other while on the beach and the others are secretly watching*

Jaguar: *leans into Lechwe* I love you

Lechwe: I love you too

Sorry if you hate fluff

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