Chapter 2: Anais

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Opening his drowsy eyes, Chasm heard a gentle knock coming from behind his door. The rusty knob moved. He heard a calm voice behind the door.

"Here's your food honey."

It's his adopted mother. For his six years he stayed here she's the only person who really cares about him. The woman in a tattered beige dress enter his room holding a bowl of cereal. She pat his head gently and gave him the cereal.

"Thanks mom." He mumbled

"Son when you're done eating, you should take a shower and dress up nicely." She said while patting his head. As if he's a clueless child, Chasm innocently look at the woman.


"Nothing just dress up nicely." She smiled happily but still Chasm could see a sadness in her eyes. He nodded and just eat his food.

Finally some food, even though it's just cereal it's better than nothing.


After dressing up,

Chasm, with the wisdom and weariness of an adult trapped in the guise of an six-year-old, sat silently on the edge of his bed in a room that bore too many marks of neglect.

In his previous life, Chasm was a celebrity, adored and envied, his name synonymous with talent and charisma. Now, he found himself in a starkly different narrative, one marked by vulnerability and dependence. The irony of his situation wasn't lost on him; he, who once commanded audiences, now waited for a rescue as scripted as any movie he had starred in.

The creak of the door snapped him back to the present. Ellie, his adopted mother, entered, her eyes swimming with unshed tears and a resolve that trembled on the edge of despair. Behind her, a figure loomed-a man whose presence seemed to fill the small, cramped space with an aura of hope and a promise of redemption.

"Chasm," Ellie began, her voice soft, betraying her inner turmoil. "This is Daniel Anais. Your biological father."

Daniel stepped forward, his eyes locking with Chasm's. There was an eagerness there, a hunger for connection that bordered on desperation. "I've missed so much of your life," Daniel said, the words heavy with emotion. "But I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere."

Chasm, despite his adult cynicism, couldn't help but scrutinize the sincerity in Daniel's eyes. He had played this scene in his mind, had read it in the pages of a book that mirrored his bizarre reality, yet facing it was something else entirely.

The room felt oppressively small as Alfred, Chasm's adopted father, made his entrance. His scowl was a familiar shade of contempt, the embodiment of the grudge he held against Daniel-a grudge that had led him to kidnap Chasm all those years ago.

"I don't know what fairytales you've been spinning," Alfred sneered, his gaze darting between Daniel and Ellie, "but you're not taking him anywhere."

Chasm stood up, the actions of his small body belying the confidence of a seasoned adult. "Actually," he interjected, despite his short tongue he said steadily, "they don't need to take me anywhere. I'm choosing to leave."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Chasm, relishing the spotlight once again, couldn't resist the flare of his past life's ego. "You see, I've already read this script, and I know how it ends. With me, out of this place and starting anew."

Alfred's anger faltered, replaced by confusion. Imagine a six-year-old kid saying this makes someone really confused, he talks like an adult with his still developing body.

"Chasm," Daniel said, reaching out his hand, "let's go home."

As Chasm took Daniel's hand, a sense of theatricality washed over him. This was his exit scene, a farewell to a chapter filled with shadows. Yet, as they walked away, Chasm couldn't help but throw a glance over his shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips. Despite everything, the spotlight still loved him, and he, in his own complicated way, loved it back.

Ellie, watching them go, felt a bittersweet relief. She had played her part in this story, facilitating a reunion that was long overdue. As for Alfred, he remained in the doorway, a silent spectator to the end of an era in which he was the antagonist.

And so, Chasm stepped into a new beginning, one fraught with challenges but also brimming with possibilities. This time, however, he wasn't just a character in someone else's story. He was the author of his own destiny, ready to rewrite the script of his life with the wisdom of his past and the hope of a future unbound by the constraints of his unusual condition.

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