❀ Chapter 10 ❀

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I cannot wait to see Edmund. He will be so proud of me. I was introduced early in the party to Mr. Stephen Wimple who is undoubtedly the most reserved, nervous man of my acquaintance. I realize that is not saying much because I have met only a handful of men since arriving in London, but I am convinced that Mr. Wimple is one of the most introverted of London society.

When we were introduced, he bowed murmuring something which I could not understand and he positively refused to look at me. Everyone else moved away from the awkward man but I persisted. It was not unlike coaxing a shy animal to trust me. I do have knowledge of this because I befriended many a squirrel, rabbit, and bird in my youth. One must use a quiet, restrained voice, being careful not to make any quick movements, and most importantly offer some treats.

The treat I offer Mr. Wimple is to listen to him talk of Astronomy. "Mr. Wimple, I had heard from someone that you have an interest in Astronomy." I am using my gentle, kind voice, the one meant to calm a timid creature. He won't even look at me to see my smile or my eyes. He nods once only. "Do you have a particular area of interest and study, Sir?" No response. 

Gentle. I remind myself. No sudden movements. "I had recently read an article of the planet Uranus being off its projected course. It seems calculations are being rechecked but that another force might be pulling at it. Do you have any theories as to why it might be off course?" Mr. Wimple's chin rises and his eyes hesitantly meet mine. I notice he is actually quite good looking once he looks me in the eye. His dark hair and dark eyes are a pleasing combination. He has not replied yet though. 

"I do not profess to have a thorough understanding of the forces on the path of planets. But I have read Laplace's recent work Treatise of Celestial Mechanics. The English translated version, of course, I cannot read French." A small smile forms on his face and I push the treat closer. "I would love to become more acquainted with the movement of heavenly bodies, if you were at all willing to explain it to me."

"Y-y-you are in-n-terested in Astronomy?" Even though he stutters, I count it as a win. He is both talking to me and looking at me. My smile and eyes are no longer wasted on him.

"Yes, Mr. Wimple, I would love to know more about Astronomy. But I will fully admit to you that I do not have the required patience for Astronometrics. I have never looked through a telescope or charted the stars." In truth, the thought of endlessly looking through a telescope and recording what I see is a frighteningly dull thought. I cannot imagine a more boring form of science. I do not think my admission has deterred him though. His smile is larger than ever. He is too timid to make the first move and so I must be the one. "Mr. Wimple, would you care to walk through the gardens so we could discuss the subject further?"

He is nodding, his smile has not faded. "Yes, I-I w-would like that v-very much." He almost walks off without me but remembers me at the last moment. I thread my hand under his forearm so that he can escort me. I feel him shiver under my touch and I try to be as gentle as possible.

After a stroll and much talk of stars and planets, we settle on a bench in the shade. Unfortunately it doesn't stay in the shade for long and I did not think to bring a parasol. Now that I have Mr. Wimple talking I hesitate to interrupt him to move to a cooler part of the garden. He is quite animatedly discussing, in detail, his theories on the forces that could be pulling Uranus off its projected course. Several ladies walking by have, I think, been struck by how good looking Mr. Wimple is when he is passionate about a topic.

Although I am trying to be an attentive listener, my eye instantly catches on Edmund as he appears from behind a hedge and enters our path. I catch my breath a bit at his confident physique and handsome visage. He has a beautiful, fashionable lady on his arm. I see a gleam of her striking red hair under her elegant parasol. Lord Westworth seems quite engrossed in both her conversation and her face as he has not looked away from her yet. They are coming down the path to our bench and I realize how much I have missed seeing him over the last days.

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