Chapter 3: Memories

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Back outside Endeavor's agency, Bakugo burst into a rage, asking why he's not allowed to go look for Deku. Todoroki stayed quiet, angry at himself for not being able to stop Midoriya's kidnapping.

Endeavor stared down Bakugou as he responded calmly, "We need intel before anyone can take action."

Todoroki clenched his fist as he got between the two. "As much as I hate agreeing with him, he is right, Bakugou. What are you going to do without knowing their location?

"I'll burst into every building in and around this city if I have to! For someone who is practically glued to Deku, you don't even care if he's gone!"

"It's not just this city. Even though the warp gate user has been arrested, they could still have a way to teleport themselves long distances. You can't check everywhere."

"Like hell I can't!" Bakugou blasted off and over the buildings.

Endeavor looks over at one of his sidekicks. "Keep an eye on him so he doesn't get in trouble too." As the fiery woman left, Endeavor looked to his son. "Shoto, how are you fairing with this?" Father and son stood in silence until Todoroki finally spoke a few minutes later.

"Midoriya was my first real friend." His hands started shaking as he balled them into fists. "Of course I'm worried. He's important to me."

Endeavor softened his voice, "We'll find him, Shoto."

Todoroki turned to look up at his father, eyes blazing, "You better hope so, or I'll hold you responsible." Leaving his father on the street, Todoroki entered the agency doors.


Bakugo screamed for the tailing sidekick to leave him alone, but they refused. He cursed them before using his new speed to lose them. He couldn't outrun Endeavor yet, but his lackeys are another thing, he thought.

He roamed the city looking for anything, but he knew there was nothing he would find. He hit some of the rubble caused by the fight. There was nothing he could do, and it was driving him mad.

Deku... That stupid nerd got himself caught. He's probably crying his eyes out. Damn crybaby.

Deku's face popped into Bakugou's mind. Deku. His tears. His flushed face. Those stupid freckles. That goofy smile... then another image emerged. Middle school Deku on the ground, scraped up, and looking up at Bakugou with fear.

No. That's not the Deku now. He's still a mess, but he's stronger. Damn! How does All Might's successor get kidnapped?! I swear I'm going to beat the shit out of him when he's back!

As he walks through the rubble in the place, he last saw Deku, he remembers how Deku and his friends saved him when Bakugou was the one captured. Images of a battered Midoriya flooded his mind. His eyes were swollen, both arms broken, calling out to his Kacchan, and desperate to follow him. Midoriya's trademark in their relationship would always be following Bakugou around no matter how far or how mean Bakugou was.

Bakugou had thought Midoriya's helpfulness stemmed from looking down on Bakugou. However, now he knew. Midoriya had always idolized him, as he should, Bakugou thought. Bakugou never needed that nerd's help. Instead, it was Bakugou's responsibility to watch out for his Deku. Bakugou had squandered that responsibility for too long, being Midoriya's primary bully for years.

Even so, Midoriya still smiled at him, still followed him, and still tried to protect him. Midoriya tried his best at everything he did, including everything he did for Bakugou. He'd be doing his best to survive, but would that be enough?

I can't just stand here! Bakugo blasts off into the night, clenching his hands through the explosions and fighting the glistening tears in the corners of his eyes.


Fire and Ice raged throughout the obstacles in the Endeavor Agency's gym. Most of the other members had long left. The few stragglers eyed the dual quirk user from the safer corners of the gym, debating whether they should leave him be.

Midoriya, his best friend, was gone. That fluffy hair looked so soft that Todoroki found himself wanting to touch it, but kept his distance, fearing it was too weird for the sweet boy to handle. Suddenly, he regretted that decision.

Todoroki never had friends before Midoriya. His life was filled solely with hatred and revenge, but ever since the sports festival, he found he enjoyed life more. His classmates filled the once empty life with color and excitement. As the sweat runs down his entire body, Todoroki remembers Midoriya's words to him during the sports festival.

"It's your quirk! Not his!"

The fire teetered before it exploded in Todoroki's face. He dropped down, breathing haphazardly. It was his fault, he thought. He offered this internship to Midoriya. If Midoriya wasn't with a failure like him, maybe Midoriya would have been safe. Bakugou's earlier words pulsated through his mind.

"Of course... I care..." Midoriya's smile, his entire being, gave Todoroki an overwhelming comfort. "But I can't do anything myself right now..."

When we fought Stain, we had each other's back. I could help. Then that nomu swept him away. This pit in my stomach happened then too. But I'll come for you the second we have a lead, Midoriya. I promise!

Holding his hands to his face, he whispered to himself, "And we'll fight together again. Just stay alive until then."

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