38...new home

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  Y/n eyes him suspiciously before opening the door.  Cole stops her and gives her a kiss on the lips.  Once stepping outside the vehicle y/n heads for the stairs leading to the house.  The small tealight lead the way as she follows them.  Cole watches her form walk up the steps as he then heads for the garage to park his car. 

Y/n pulls the knob warm air greets her chilled skin.  She walks in slight nausea rises again it's only been a few days.  Cole appears in the living room he walks up to the girl and picks her figure off the floor. 


"How about we celebrate with some pizza"

"I wish i could cole but im not feeling so well"

"Are you feeling sick again?"

"Yeah..but i hope that it passes soon"

"Well as long as you feel better soon we can just watch the t.v. then until it passes" he pecks her lips softly.


  The lights are out, cole watches his wife's head Bob up and down amongst his shaft.  Y/n finishes up and pulls her head away from his shaft to look up at him their eyes meet.  He blushes before gently caressing her face.  He whispers these words to her as she watches him closely.

"Do you trust me?"

"Theres nowhere else for me to go..."

"Yes that i know...but do you trust me"

"Yes...cole" he stands up really fast causing the girl to become confused. 

"Where are you going?"

"To go get something from my mom it won't take long"

Cole puts his boxers on his waist as he grabs a pair of sweats he walks back over to his wife pulling her in for a kiss.  Nausea rises again as they pull away he lets her lay down under the covers.  He sits down rubbing her arm gently. 

"My mom will be driving to see me here at our house so there's no need to worry okay?"

She yawns and nods her head to him.  Cole leaves the room grabbing his phone on the way out. Y/n was about to fall asleep before the sound of talking inside the house could be heard.  She rolls onto her side pretending to be asleep only to eaves drop on the convo between cole and his mom. 

"I brought that test you have asked prior before the night you guys left make sure she takes it and cole...make sure she's okay"

"Yes mom of course she doesn't know it yet"

"About the whole situation she's in.."

"Not that situation the situation where she missed her period.."

"I see does your father know about the announcement??"

"Yes i already told him"

"Make sure that your brother Jake is notified about this im sure he'll be happy to know"

"I will when it comes to that time but right now she's currently nauseated she just doesnt know that she's you know"

"I get and when the test comes back send the information to me amd well start getting the doctors appointment at home started"

"Thank you mom and the day comes that is when I want you guys here...to see the baby being born"

Just what could he be talking about theres no way that she mustve missed her period maybe its the food making her sick.  She sits up and begins to think in the dark.   The sound of feet echoeing in the house startled her as she quickly lays back down just in time when the light from the hall shines through the door having coles figure stand.  She closes her eyes and pretends to be asleep as she heard his feet approach the bed his shadowy figure looms over hers. 

He softly touches her upper arm still staring at her with a soft smile. 
He sighs pulling his hand away and walks back out of the room. 

Before sge could do anything else sleep suddenly takes over. 


(Time skip)

She wakes up to find coles arm wrapped around her waist.  His nose buried into her neck breathing softly not only he was incredibly warm.  But why was she feeling a sense of secure in his crazed grasp.  It made no sense to her she takes his arm off and gets out of bed.  His shirt was baggy upon her form as she walks in a pair of underwear and his t-shirt.  The halls were much more confusing than the ones back at coles fathers place. 

  Long last she gets to the kitchen to grab a snack to eat for breakfast though it was an apple.  She leans on the counter minding her own business until she felt someone's hands on her hip.  Spinning around she finds none other Nathan he chuckles in a joking matter. 

"Woah relax kiddo"

"I am not a kiddo"

"Thats odd because i find it adorable especially the little one growing"

"What are you talking about!?"


"Nathan....tell me now"

"Nothing I swear hahaha"

"Errrg! Nathan-"

"Hey babe I'm awake now sorry that I wasnt up in time and just wanted to come out here and make breakfast for you etc... And what the fuck is going"

"Nothing boss absolutely nothing important"

"Hmm..if you say so anyways im going to go work out and babe ill be back shortly" he hops over the Counter and softly kisses her lips. 

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