Chapter 21

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Dante's pov

Once I reached our mansion I parked my car and looked beside to see that Crystal was sleeping.

She looks so beautiful.

Shaking my head I decided to wake her up.

"Crystal" I called but she didn't listen.

"Crystal, wake up. We are home" I called her again but she didn't woke up.

"Crystal" I tried again and this time I shook her arm a little in an attempt to wake her up but she didn't opened her eyes instead she looked troubled.

"Let me sleep" She whined still not opening her eyes.

Sighing I got off the car and went to her side. Taking a deep breath I removed the seat belt and then lifts her up in my arms.

Taking her in my arms I started walking inside. When I reached outside her room, I pushed opened the door and carefully laid her down in her bed and removed her flip flops. She seemed to be relaxed after that.

I then eyed her injured toe and groaned in irritation.

This girl is clumsy af!

I started searching for first aid box but couldn't find that. So I went to my room to get that.

Once I found the first aid box I went to her room again. I sat beside her toe and started cleaning her wound. Once I was done I applied the ointment in her wound. Later I got up and looked at her. She was sleeping peacefully. She looked really cute this way. I smiled looking at her.

I sat beside her and caressed her hairs. Her hairs are really soft. I smiled and kept caressing her hairs.

"You're beautiful from both inside and out, Crystal" I chirped softly and left her hairs.

"I haven't seen anyone as beautiful as you" I once again said and left her room not before covering her with duvet and adjusting the ac temperature.

Once I entered inside my room, I quickly changed my clothes and laid in my bed. I smiled thinking about today's event. Everything went smoothly except for those paparazzi who saw me and Crystal together. Although they didn't get to see Crystal's face clearly but I somehow know, that tomorrow they're gonna publish a lot of rubbish stuffs about me and Crystal.

I sighed and turn other way. Thinking about those things I slept.


Crystal's pov

Tring. Tring. Tring.

I frowned listening the irritating voice which wasn't stopping. I groaned and got up from my beauty sleep and switched off the alarm.

Today is sunday. No college, no office. Yay!

I smiled thinking about my free day but next moment I frowned.

Last night I remember I was in car with Dante then how the hell I'm here. I don't remember waking up and coming to the room. I frowned. I tried to recall about last night but got no result in return.

Getting irritated with myself, I went to washroom to get done with my morning business.

Once I got ready I decided to go downstairs. But when I was leaving I got a message in my whatsapp. Being a curious person I opened the message. It was from a group chat which employees of Knight industry had made and added me too.

I checked the message to see it was a picture of Dante with someone in his arms. Looking carefully at the picture, I realised it was me.

What the hell?

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