Chapter 27: Drowsiness

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A kid.

Isn't this a crime?

I can feel my own hand trembling in disgust as I think of myself.

He's hot- that's what I thought when I saw this young man smiling at me, but.....

For Christ's sake! I'm a freaking college student! I can't believe I fell for a ten year old brat.

Although my appearance is a teenage girl, I'm a fucking nineteen year old virgin inside.

And to think I have these kinds of thoughts?

Well, not really my fault since this young master was really a handsome looking kid.

To be exact- this kid had a mature look, even his gestures and movement looked very mature. Is this called "Nobility?" or he was just taught by someone to act that way...?

This kid looks like a person whose age is around 15- probably a 2nd year high school student in my previous world.

But even so, I'm not a pedophile. Not even a shotacon.

F-for god's sake..... I-I'm probably not.... Well, maybe....because I also possessed a kid's way of thinking..?


"Huh...?" I suddenly muffled when I remembered something.

Something very important.

The young man in front of me noticed my sudden expression so he asked me.

"What's the matter?" He said curving his mouth as he awaits for my answer.

Right... How could I forget it?

"Your expression suddenly changed. Is there anything wrong with this place?" This kid is sharp. He also noticed my face suddenly turning to gloom.

I finished the last bite of my cookies that I grabbed earlier then picked the tea cup from the small plate again.

I didn't respond to the young master nor look into his eyes.

This world is not my world- there were 3 moons in the night, and the thing that I must remember is that..... All these people living inside this world are puppets.

And I'm no exception to that.

They were puppets and so am I.

Why a puppet?

Because they're moving not from their wills, they don't have a will to begin with.

【 They're just characters written inside a novel. 】

The author was the marionettist- the one who controls all the strings in this world.

And even to begin with, this isn't even a world, but inside a novel.


"Young miss." The young man who was sitting opposite to me stood up and grabbed my attention.

He was gesturing something and I don't understand what this kid is doing.

He was pointing at my hand.... Ah, k

As I lost my thought; being like those old philosophers, my hand that was holding the teacup was about to spill in my dress.

Luckily, this young handsome brat told me beforehand or else I'll experience how it feels to spill a freaking hot tea inside the novel.

"Thank you, young master." I replied to him as I put back the teacup in the table. I didn't even take a sip.

"Don't call me young master." He said while he was still standing. "Since we are engaged, you can call me Ray. I am Ray Bourghess."

"Okay. Thank you Ray." I answered again.

And with that, the young master was confused. No, I think he was shocked? Baffled? I can't say it. And besides, why do I need to care about this kid?

"Usually, if I told that to some kid, they're gonna cry. Some might be scared wondering why I permitted him to call me without an address of formality." He explained- as if I care.

My body feels really tired now. I should go back sooner.

"And then... Should I cry too? I can also be scared if you like." I muttered what's inside my head directly. I only noticed that it was very mean after I said all of those.

The young master's eyebrows furrowed so much that it felt like his two eyebrows were touching.

"How dare you! Such an attitude!" He shouted.

"I apologized, Ray." I responded. "It's because I'm tired and I just got recovered."

Then, since he was also standing, I also withdrew from my seat and stood.

I feel drowsy

"I'm gonna take my leave now."

I then put my hand on my back, bowed slightly then proceed to walk slowly towards the door and-

"What is that? In your hand!?"

Before even reaching the doorknob, Ray asked me a question. When I turned my head to him, he was staring at my hand..... The sign of contract.

-he saw it.


I hurriedly opened the door and saw Grace from the left side of the door and the butler at the right.

"Bye......!" I bid my last words nervously as I ran away from that room.

"Wait young miss!!" Grace too hurriedly followed me.

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