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Chapter 3.


POV: You

Part 1.

I sat in my Javelina on a side street in Heywood. Called a few fixers hoping they'd have info on the shooters that shot up Gloria and David,  Maumar Reyes, also known as El Capitán, is a fixer in the Santo Domingo district. I see him calling me on the holo and I answer.

"Reyes" I say while answering.

"Ey, (Y/n), I got some info on that gang you're lookin for" Maumar answers.


"That car they shot up yesterday, it was some sort of retaliation for somthin, based on the info I was able to scrounge up for ya, they seem to dwell around the Arroyo area in Santa Domingo" Maumar tells me.

"Alright thanks"  I replied.

"Nice doin biz, need anything else, feel free to call. You know I eat, sleep, and breath biz" Maumar says.

"Will do if I have too" I say before hanging up.

I start my car and pull out onto the street. I begin my drive to the Arroyo area. I cruised along the highway there, then, as I did, a pink van sped passed me. I notice on the back of the van a decal of a bear. As the van kept going I smirked to myself.

"You shit heads made it too easy for me" I say.

I put the petal to the floor and shifted up a gear as I started to chase after van. The engine of the Javelina roared, efficiently firing on all eight cylinders. My thousand horse power steel horse charged forward after the van. I get close behind the van then rammed into the back of the van, giving its residents a wake up call. Soon the back doors of the van open and there is three guys in the back of the van, one with a Defender, one with a Copperhead, and the other with a Lexington. The three let loose and begin to fire at my car. With the armor from the car, the bullets didn't do a thing to the metal beast with wheels, only make a few scratches that surly can be buffed out.

"Die you cock sucker!" The one with the Defender shouts.

"No one fucks with the Animals!!" The one with the Copper shouts.

I see an opening and moved into the right lane. I began to speed up, my Javelina still taking no damage. I pull out Lucky Lu from its holster in the car and rolled down the window. While at the side of the van, I set the cruse control before open firing onto the side of the van. The 10 gauge buck shot tore through the thin paneling. I used my door to rack the next round, the hot brass falling onto my floor.  I fire another shell into the side of the van and the van swerved a little, trying to get away from my line of fire. Unfortunately for them another car was in the lane to there left. I rack another round then turned off the cruise control and sped up. The guy passenger seat had a liberty in hand and went to roll down the window and shoot.

"Fucking bastard" He shouts as he pointed the liberty at me.

I had the faster trigger finger and fired buckshot at his face. His head exploding into blood and flesh. The driver looks at me with a pissed off expression.

"You won't get away with this you damn merc!" The driver shouts.

I give him the middle finger before rolling up my window and pushing my car even harder. I get in front of van and then went into the off ramp down into Santo Domingo, The van followed.

"Took the bait. You fuckers are mine now" I say.

I made my way down a few blocks then onto a dirt road under the busy free way next to a construction site that's building more highway. I turn around and  stopped my car. The idling V8 purred nicely as I waited. With a free moment, I reloaded Lucky Lu with more buckshot. The seconds in wait felt like minutes.

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