chapter 35

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Pihu's pov:

I don't want her to get sick again if we tell her now. So it's better if we don't tell her.

Eeshan and Tia were meeting other businessmen and some of his friends, while I was sitting in one corner, I was getting bored here, I don't know any of them here except Eeshan and Rehaan, I don't know where Rehaan is.

"Excuse me, are you married recently," I think a friend of tia asked me.

", why are you asking that," I asked.

"Actually, you are wearing saree and mehndi, so I thought, by the way, you could have worn a wedding lehnga on this yacht, it would look good," she said and laughed.

Did she just make fun, of me. Ignore it pihu, I wore saree because Eeshaan likes it.

"Your boss is so good, he invited, the servants also, to his party," her other friend said.

"Excuse me," I was stunned by what she said and was leaving from there but I got crashed by the waiter and the tray fell from his hands, on someone there, he looks like a businessman.

"Are you blind," he yelled at us.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it intentionally," I apologized to him.

"Will your apology make my coat the way it was, pata nhi kaha kaha se aajate hai," he yelled at me, and now my tears start flowing why God why are you doing, this with me what wrong did I do that you are punishing me. I wiped my tears and said,

"I'll clean it, please don't be angry," I was looking at the floor feeling drowned up, I shouldn't have come here.

"She will not do anything, Mr. Deshmukh, your clothes will be cleaned up, I'll call the servants," Rehaan said this, and I looked up and saw his face, which made me cry more, I just now wanted someone whom, I know.

"Rehaan," I wept.
"come with me," he said and dragged me from there.

"You okay," he asked me, and I breakdown in his arms.

"I think Eeshaan and I are not meant to be, he looks happy, and he forgets about me, I was sitting alone, and you were also not there where were you," I asked him as he wiped my tears.

"I was attending the phone call," he said and was comforting me, but suddenly we heard some sounds from the other side we quickly went there.

Eeshan was punching, someone, what fuck is he doing.

"How dare you to even, think about that, I'll kill you, you son of bitch," Eeshan growled punching the man. I ran to him to stop him, but he was not stopping.

"Eeshan don't do that, leave him, why are you doing this," I asked him stopping his hands from punching more as he was bleeding.

"This bloody asshole was eyeing you, how dare he to even think about sleeping with my wife," he growled at him. Thank God tia was not here to listen to us.

"Eeshaan... Eeshaan," I said and hugged him, "Leave him and come with me," I said and we came into one of the rooms in the yacht, "You are mine," he said and I smiled "I know I'm yours," he pecked my lips, and then buried his face in my neck.

"Let's go back I don't want to stay here," I said and he nodded.


The next day I went to the office and found Tia, there she invited me for lunch with her, Eeshaan texted me to say no, but she was insisting me too much and I was unable able to say no so I agreed.

"I have memory loss and I feel unsettled here, I don't know what is happening to me," Tia said as she was having the soup.

"I hope you get well soon," I feel bad for her.

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