chapter 3- Into The City Of Monsters

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I set out early in the morning for the city. Most sane people would try to avoid the big cities. Although the place was full with loot such as gas, food and supplies it was also carefully watched by the invaders looking to catch any women or children they find and raiders looking to harass and steal goods from others.

It's better to roam the city during the day to avoid most of the invaders, they were more active at night, and for good reason. They are deadly in the dark and know how to stalk prey without being seen.

At one point people thought they were afraid of daylight, like vampires they would burn because of the sun. But that was just foolish. They aren't 'afraid' of anything. out Of all the possible things that could have wiped out the human race such as sickness, zombies, and global warming, these invaders were something we could never have prepared for.

I've not actually seen one up close but I've caught glimpses and heard stories... They are fast, they are strong and they are much bigger than us. Not to mention more well-equipped to fight. When the war first started humans were put at a massive disadvantage.

The aliens were smart; they set off an EMP that wiped out nearly every single electronic device in the country. Vehicles, phones, weapons... so many things became useless overnight. They took out the military with ease and seized control over major cities within weeks. They even managed to quarantine off the country so that no outside interference would stop them.

They had shields that could deflect missiles and armor that could absorb bullets. Don't even get me started on their weapons...

They were practically unstoppable.

In turn people became desperate. Some would give themselves up to the aliens in hopes of not being killed, others would rather kill themselves than be taken away... they seem to not care too much about travelers they find roaming areas while scavenging. Very rarely do they bother men traveling alone. After all, they only care about one thing.


Why? Well there's a few different theories. Some involve them creating farms or some crap, treating us like cattle. They would only need a few men and a ton of women to keep a population for an endless supply of human meat. Another story I've heard is that it's for some kind of experimentation project. Trying to create mutants or some crap out of babies... then there's the idea that they specifically eat babies. I wonder what nutjob came up with that idea.

There were plenty of other fucked up ideas as to what the aliens wanted women for, the military did their damned best to keep things under wraps up until shit hit the fan. Right before all hell broke loose they had made an announcement explaining why they came to earth.

They were dying...

The majority of their planet was wiped out by a plague that killed off nearly all of them, the vulnerable perished leaving a very small number of their kind to survive. Their biggest issue was that the number consisted of mostly adult males.

There weren't enough children for the next generation and there were too few females to continue their bloodlines. So with no other choices they looked for a species that closely matched their own. And here we are humans vs their alien invaders, both races fighting to survive...

I almost felt bad for them, they just wanted to save themselves from extinction. Things were going so well in the beginning from what I could tell, the military was undergoing negotiations but something went wrong and it turned into a full on war.

With the military gone us civilians are left to defend ourselves and try to survive now in what's left of our modern society. Scavenging what few goods we can find and trying not to get killed by our own.

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