Ten: I Don't Have to Answer That

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"Detective Rowe you flatter me

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"Detective Rowe you flatter me." Felicity giggled as Harriet watched with unfamiliar irritation as Mr. Rowe flirted with the young girl. Felicity's wide silver eyes shined with adoration at Mr. Rowe. She was bewitched.

Harriet had no idea what they were chatting about, but it didn't go unnoticed by Harriet how Mr. Rowe would bend and whisper in Felicity's ear, which was highly inappropriate during dinner.

The girls were all dressed in lovely gowns that Esma had loaned. Harriet, despite tradition, stayed in her conservative blouse and skirt. Esma had wanted her to wear an elegant gown, but Harriet had declined because it did not fit the image of a spinster.

A fit of giggles came from Felicity again and Harriet looked from stirring her spoon in her soup to see Felicity cupping her hand over her mouth and Mr. Rowe smiling as if he had conquered the world.

While Felicity had the undivided attention of the mysterious Roma detective, Harriet was the focus of little seven-year-old Lovey Rayfield. She was an exact clone of her mother, but instead of smooth raven hair, hers was soft curls. She sat right across from Harriet, dark eyes fastened on her. Mr. Rowe sat to the right of Lovey with Felicity on his other side. Rosa was next with St. George at the foot of the table and across was Anne then Helen, followed by Harriet. Esma was seated between Harriet and Lord Rathborne who was at the head of the table.

It was surprising to see a child at the table and unconventional, but Esma was the hostess and head of the house, so Harriet kept the thought to herself. She hated that children had to eat in the nursery anyways.

The small round-faced child with shinning dark eyes, tilted her head and continued to stare at Harriet. "You have the loveliest hair color."

Harriet smiled. "Not nearly as lovely as yours, Miss Rayfield."

The young girl shook her head vigorously and continued eating her food while sneaking glances at Harriet. Harriet winked at her, earning her own set of giggles. That was one thing that Harriet longed for and knew she would never obtain... her own children.

Harriet's attention went back to her soup, she had only taken one bite, feeling nauseous. She continued stirring her spoon idly. Esma had talked Harriet into staying for the weeks to come and Harriet was able to finish up the correspondence to the parents and get them sent out. She only hoped this would work for the girls and that they would find themselves suitable husbands.

"Harriet? I'm hoping to sit in on your lessons with the girls." Esma asked.

Harriet turned to her and nodded. "I would be honored."

Esma smiled at that. "I feel like I have a lot to learn from you and I want to know what it's like to be a proper hostess. Do you have any critiques yet?"

Stiffening, Harriet began to protest, "Lady Rathborne how you run your household is up to you. I have no right to—"

"It's alright, Miss Morgan." the voice came from Lord Rathborne who winked at Harriet and smiled at his wife, showing a flash of white against his golden complexion. "If you don't inform Lady Rathborne then she will be filling the gossip pages of the paper."

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