A False Peace In Solitude

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Man, I just realize how majestic some of these art pieces are. Especially the battleships, looks almost life like.

In the bombed out craters of the battlefield, bodies from both sides could be seen littered about. Normally, on days like these, battles would be raging on for miles as dozens of men fight and die for less than a mile.

Beyond it though, and on one of the two sides of this trench warfare battlefield, is an empty trench. No men in uniforms could be seen, though remnants of when they remained can still be found. A few embers in a smoke pots, some discarded helmets, and even a spare rifle lay on a firing position.

It would have remained peaceful, empty even, if not for the bodies of several men dressed in German style uniforms. Strung out like a line of dead, men could be seen sitting against a wall, or laying face first into the mud of the trench.

So many dead, many of them looked to be just teenagers, barely even 16. Slowly though, the sounds of boots marching on mud could be heard. A men in a green uniform, much like the American army during the Great War, could be seen walking through the line of bodies.

Slowly, and with care for the bodies below his feet, he continued marching through until he stopped at one particular body. It was laid up against the wall of the trench, in their hands was a photo. Slowly, the man crouched down to grab the photo.

It was a black and white photo, looking down again at the body, it was clear who this was. It was Paul.

Slowly, the man in green looked through the photo. He saw Paul, younger than he was in the photo, standing next to a man in a three piece suit and two ladies in a dress. One of the girls was younger than Paul.

Slowly, the man turned the photo around to see a line of words. 'Come back home to us~'

". . ." Turning the photo around again, the man looked at the photo of Paul and presumably his family. A tired sigh escaped his lips as he silently looked between the photo and the dead.

"Hey, Carter, quite picking at the dead and help us out!" The man, now named Carter, looked up at the trench to see another man in the same uniform as his. Nodding his head, he watched how the man left. Taking a quick glance down to the photo, then to Paul, he sighs before quickly stuffing the photo into his trench coat.

Shifting in his gear, and pulling the strap on his rifle. Carter then moves to the trench wall before climbing out. Once he reached the top, he was introduced to a site of an army on the march. Long lines of men could be seen marching forward with rifles on their backs. Crude tanks in the from of FT-17s could be seen rolling through the muddy battlefield.

Even a few Mark IV tanks could be seen among the crowd of men and armour. Looking up, Carter could make out the shapes of a few dozen bi-planes of various sizes and shapes. 'The Republic was on the move.' Carter thought as his eyes trailed through the scene.

"Oi! You done site seeing princess? Hurry up and give us a hand." Looking down, Carter could make out his squad and the man that called him earlier. Nodding his head, he would join the men into helping them carry gear and supplies while also joining the march forward.




In one of the many rooms within the HQ hotel, a dark room with little light could be seen as the sleeping figure of William could be seen.

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