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Jimin stared at jungkook with wide teary eyes and slightly parted mouth
"I'm sorry if it's too personal jimin....look you don't have to answer it's okay" jungkook rushed out once he saw jimin's face
Jimin took his notepad then he wrote
'You've watched the video right haven't you?'
"Jimin rosé showed me the video,I had no choice but to watch it....I'm sorry for asking" jungkook took jimin's Hand in his
'No it's okay,it's a long story,I trust you...I'll tell you'
"Are you sure? I'm not forcing you jimin" jungkook smiled softly
Jimin smiled softly with a nod showing jungkook that he's okay with it
'When Taemin and I was a couple back then...'

"Taeminie please can I cone over,my dad hit me again" jimin cried on the phone
"Don't cry baby,of course you can come,should I come pick you up?" Taemin's gentle voice filled jimin's ear
"It's okay,I'll just take a cab,I don't want my dad to see you,he'll create a scene" jimin mumbled
"I'm waiting for you baby and please be careful" Taemin said
"I will,bye" jimin hung up then hurried out of the house
When he arrived at taemin's house,he hurried inside (Taemin lives alone)
"Jiminnie baby are you okay?" Taemin pulled jimin into a soft hug as jimin sobbed into his chest
"No I'm not alright,he slapped me today three times,I don't know if it'll get worse Taemin I'm scared, my dad never raises his hand at me" he sobbed
"Hey baby don't cry,I won't let that happen, I don't like seeing you cry my love" Taemin pecked jimin's forehead
"Can you take my dad out of my head?" Jimin asked cutely while staring up at Taemin
Taemin chuckled at jimin's cuteness
"And how do you want me to do that baby?... You want to go out for ice cream?" He suggested
"No......I..I want u..us to have s..s..sex" jimin quickly hid his face in taemin's chest
"Are you sure you're ready jimin?" Taemin whispered to jimin who nodded
"I trust you enough to g..give you my v-card" he mumbled while blushing
Taemin chuckled
"You're so cute...I promise I'll be gentle" (as if)

That night,jimin and Taemin had sex for hours until 4 in the morning before finally going to sleep
(Three months later)
Jimin came to taemin's house with the result in his hands
He got into the house only to see Taemin and his friends sitting on the couch while filling balloons with paint...
"T..taemin?" Jimin stuttered
"Baby you didn't tell me that you were coming...is everything okay?" Taemin held jimin's waist then pecked his lips
"I..I..got something" jimin gestured at the paper bag in his hands
"What's that my love?"
Jimin heard a few of taemin's friends snickering at the background but paid no attention to it
"Open it and read it" jimin mumbled while fidgeting his tiny fingers
Taemin opened the paper then read through it only to stare at jimin with shock and anger evident on his face
"What the fuck is this jimin!?!" He yelled making jimin flinch
"What do you mean taemin? Aren't you happy? I'm pregnant minmin (that's the nickname jimin gave to taemin) you're going to be a dad you should be happy about it" jimin smiled hesitantly
"BULLSHIT!!! I'm not fucking happy jimin...we're still in highschool for fucks sake,how do you want us to raise a child?" Taemin yelled
Tears welled up in jimin's eyes as he stared at taemin
"Minmin wha-"
"DONT FUCKING CALL ME THAT!!!" jimin flinched as his tears finally fell
"You know what? I'm fucking done I don't want to be in a fucking relationship with you,were OVER!" taemin yelled (insert video scene ep2)
Jimin was thrown out of the house by taemin's friends,all covered in black paint
He went home crying and softly clutching his stomach
"What am I going to do know?...he doesn't want me or our baby" jimin sobbed
Soon he arrived at his house too afraid to knock cause he saw his dad's car parked outside of his house
He hesitated for minutes before finally going in praying that his dad won't be in the living room but his prayer wasn't answered as his dad was sitting on the couch staring right at him
"D..ad?" Jimin stuttered with tears welling up in his eyes after seeing the big whip in his dad's hands.
That night was filled with painful cries and screams as Minho beats jimin like a thief
That's how jimin had a miscarriage on the floor of his living room while unconscious
He woke up the next morning and he saw himself laying on his bed with clean clothes and bandaged body and head,he touched his stomach hoping that the baby was Still alive....his thought was cut short when he heard his dad coming into the room
"So you were pregnant huh you slut....good thing that the baby died or I would've killed both you with my bare hands" he said with gritted teeth then he stormed out of the room leaving a painfully sobbing jimin on his bed
(Flashback ends)
Jimin was crying while jungkook read what he wrote on his notepad
"Don't cry jimin it's all in the past now" jungkook pulled jimin into a warm soft hug
"It's not your fault so don't blame yourself for getting pregnant or for your babies death" jk mumbled into jimin's ear while kissing his head
Jimin pulled away from the hug then his cheeks was cupped by jk
"Stop wasting your precious tears on the rotten past" jk said while staring deep into jimin's eyes
He leaned down slowly with jimin also  leaning forward slowly
Their lips finally collided and if felt like the world stopped for both of them
Butterflies flying freely in their stomach as they felt the spark of connection in the kiss
After making out lovingly for minutes they finally pulled away staring at each other's
"You're really pretty and beautiful jimin don't ever let anyone's words get to you, you're unique and special and you're really lucky to be able to bare your own children and you're really super cute and in sure your baby is going to be the cutest little mochi in the world" jk pecked his cheek
'Thank you' jimin wrote and jk smiled
"Aren't you going to finish your chocolates? I can have it if you don't want it" jungkook said but jimin grabbed the bag pressing it to his chest with a pout while shaking his head 'no'
"I'm seriously feel like keeping you in my pocket forever you're just so cuuuute" jungkook cooed making jimin's face a bright red
They heard the door downstairs being shut
"I think my parents are home, do you wanna come down?"
Jimin nodded 'yes'
They both went downstairs to see Mr and Mrs jeon sitting on the chair I'm the living room looking happy with a satisfied grin on their faces
"What's wrong mom?" Jungkook asked with his hands intertwined with jimin
"We finally got Minho arrested...looks like the day when he did that dirty stuff with his friend to chim, his phone was on camera,recording everything I think he must have tapped on it by mistake...his phone was searched along with the house and they also found the whip inside his closet so they sent him to jail for child abuse and rape along with his friend,Minho will be getting 22 years in prison while his friend will be getting 10 years in prison since this is his first crime record. Minho has gotten two crime records before,one for doing illegal drugs and the other for stealing an expensive jewelry from a jewelry shop and chim will be needed in court for statement and also for who will get custody over him since he doesn't have any siblings here in busan or maybe he could decide to stay alone since he's over 18" Mrs jeon rapped
Jimin squeaked happily then hugged jungkook who was also smiling widely
"Thank you mom and dad" jungkook spoke then carried jimin bridal style up to His room placing him on his bed
"Now you can sleep peacefully knowing that he's in jail" jungkook spoke softly to jimin who nodded enthusiastically with a genuine eye smile which he hasn't done in years
'He's so beautiful' jungkook thought with a smile
(Three months later)
(A/N: I feel like I'm going too fast but I just want to get to the jikook fluff parts)

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